Our ratings system

Here is the scientific breakdown for the Quarter to Three ratings system.

(5 stars) I loved it

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/our-ratings-system

I give this post 4 stars.

I'm sorry but, this site's rating system has a really bad impact on true metacritic game rankings...also they are subjective most of the time.

This website is screwing up Metacritic's rating system with it's bullshit opinion.

Ever heard of a thing called "Objectivity" when writing critic reviews?
This system is awful.

horrible, reviews are all over the place

Meh...Nobody uses that "like or dislike" system in critic reviews, especially when it's 1-5, not 0-5 like metacritic thinks of it as, also, what I get is that:

Love it: Sounds like a 90-100, no problem, that's a 100 on the metacritic scale.

Really like it: Sounds like an 80-90, people give four stars too much, half-hearted comments about how much you like something is often exagerated, that's not too bad, 80 on the metacritic scale.

Like It: Sounds like 60-75, a little too favorable, to me it seems like when somebody "likes" something, that'd be about a seven out of ten or so, but this is a 60 on the metacritic scale.

Didn't like it: Depends. Does it mean that you disliked it, or just ->didn't like it<-, usually meaning that it was probably okay or mediocre? The first one: maybe a 20-40, second: 35-55. It averages out okay on metacritic, it's a 40, but they can only mean one or the other.

Hated it: Sounds like a 0-10, and this is the lowest on their scale, but being a 20 on the metacritic scale.

My comments about this post? First of all, they should be increments of 25 on metacritic, and the scale is too subjective on how much they liked it, not really on how good they thought it actually was.
This post, on my made-up-on-the-spot 0-10 scale, is a 3. (Disliked it) :D

"Any good critic, and thus any good game critic, should hope for nothing more than to be as true as possible to his or her own opinion, caring nothing for whether this opinion can be used or appreciated by anyone else. When I write, I only try to be less wrong than I was the last time I wrote. Artists don’t hold, in their hands and minds, the sole measure of the value of art—theirs or anyone else’s." - Simon Ferrari, in an exchange with Tom Bissell.

Keep up the good work, QT3.

@tomchick Can this get a sticky?

@wumpus Why does it say I wrote this? I didn’t.

@stusser All the Front page first posts are pretty much attributed to you now. @tomchick is credited at @qt3admin for his Discus posts.