Outriders - Square Enix colonizes space

As a Trickster I love that! Free health when I one shot them. It’s when I’m up against a boss with few or far away adds that I can’t whittle down fast enough that I get into trouble. And, yes, the grenade spam. It’s very easy to get disorientated/stuck in a corner when you’re constantly rolling out of grenade damage zones.

Make sure your weapon is always the maximum level you can equip. If it’s a blue weapon it’s cheap to upgrade at the crafter. For the armor, I only paid attention to mods for a while but the base stat on them (health, firepower, or anomaly power) makes a huge difference. Mods are easy and dirt cheap to swap, that stat can’t be. If you’re relying heavily on your skills for damage make sure your armor has anomaly power or firepower for weapon damage.

For a long while I was really just paying attention to the mods and swapping in whatever armor was the highest level but found it odd my character would swing back and forth in effectiveness. Sometimes my skills felt like they were week and other times that they hit pretty hard and turns out it was the armor.

Can I ask what level you are? Once you begin to get weapons that require Titanium to upgrade, it becomes more or less impossible to keep them at level.

I’m 25. Purples take titanium to upgrade but blues are just common materials, or at least that’s all it was costing me when I was upgrading them. I have a purple LMG with stats I really like that I’ve upgraded from L24 to L31. I don’t upgrade anything else due to titanium costs, but keeping one weapon up has been manageable.

EDIT: I’ve heard NPC vendors start offering titanium for scrap, but I haven’t seen that yet. I also haven’t been looking closely. In any case, point being that having a weapon as high as possible provides a lot of firepower. Even falling behind a level of two made a big difference for me. Upgrading my LMG has added 700 or or firepower each upgrade, it’s nuts. This in turn has let me increase the world level which means more titanium from purples and the occasional drop from elites and chests.

I think it’s a more forgiving and fun game in coop in many respects. Do you get a self revive when soloing? Being able to do that once each (provided we’re not downed at the same time) probably tips a lot of fights into ‘doable on the first try’ for us. We’ve not had to turn the WT down yet. We hit L30 last night, and WT14 some time before that. Most of our titanium is coming from scrapping epics now, though I blew through some 700 of it finally levelling up a bunch of armour with good rolls on them. We’re getting legendaries now too but I must admit I’ve been underwhelmed by what I’ve seen so far. No doubt there’s a one-shot rifle variant out there for me, but the purple one I’ve been carrying since about L14 apparently takes some beating.

I’m guessing we’re pretty close to the end, but we are doing all side quests as and when they crop up. Pleasantly surprised with the amount of campaign content, though there’s a chunk of time lost there to transitions/loading screens/quest hand-ins that’s much bigger than I’m happy admitting. At least we still get a laugh out of who can spam the ‘skip pointless door opening animation’ the fastest, but it is wearing thin.

Yes, upgrading gear is crucial. And I am just now realizing too the importance of the attribute stats. Though some of those, as well as the mods, are poorly explained, if they are explained anywhere.

No, you don’t, and you’re probably right. I’m generally a solo player any way though, and with all the matchmaking issues I haven’t even tried doing a group since the demo. I do wish this had The Division’s matchmaking.

One thing I find stressful about this game is that it has the yo-yo health extremes of Doom Eternal. I seem to be constantly finding my health dipping perilously close to zero, then I (hopefully) can use a skill to heal back up before doing it all over again just seconds later. This is my most difficult adjustment to the game, just as it was in Doom Eternal. I have to shift my whole way of thinking about the game. Still, it’s manageable. So far.

Yeah, I haven’t played Doom Eternal so it’s been a bit of an adjustment for me for sure. My instinct when injured is to find cover and regen health/shields like most shooters work but this one really rewards aggressiveness.

Huzzah, my first legendary dropped!

I’m Level 10, playing solo, just got to the point when you can start crafting. I have WT set to just go whatever the highest level I can (which is 6 at this point?), and it’s been challenging. Most of the fights I get through just fine until the last wave when the bullet-sponge Captains show up. I should start to try out the other skills, though- that Ice Turret us just so damn useful, as is the Launcher thing for just decimating the enemies as they rush through a gap.

I’m out at the First City, and I tried to fast travel back to the main city to access the vendors there, but couldn’t find a way to do that? Am I missing something, or do you have to go farther through the story before you can go back?

I think if you talk to Jakub (or whatever his name is) by the entry point he will bring you back to your main hub city. Sometimes after you finish a mission or side mission in the First City a little travel point icon will appear to fast travel you back to Jakub and from there you can travel back to the main hub. A little clunky, but mostly works fine.

Hmm. I’d talked to him, but it sounded like he wanted me to advance to the next part of the main quest. Perhaps that’s going back to the city.

I might be wrong, since I think I am not as far into this as most others (so anyone else please correct me!).

I think if you change which mission you are tracking it might give you the option to go back home. I was in the First City last night and changed the mission I was tracking to a side mission (Librarian/Archivist thing) went into a side area killed a bunch of baddies and then found some archival item. If I followed the mission pathing it wanted to bring me back to Jakub. I think from there it might prompt to go home (in this case to return the artifact).

If the mission you are tracking is the next main story Jakub might be prompting you to go pursue that and your white pathing line will be directing towards that.

Again, I could be wrong.

The return home option is something along the lines of “prepare the truck to move out”. It then gives you an option to select from the various hubs.

Aha, yeah, I remember that was the choice, but I didn’t click it. That’s good info to know, thanks!

Yeah, if you go back to Jakub and use the ‘It’s time to pack up and go’ or whatever option, he will pull up an area map, you can go back to the starting area (or any others you’ve unlocked so far).

These guys wreck me. I did one side mission yesterday and this captain just rushed up to me and started circle strafing around me. I was all, hey that’s my trick!

I generally play these types of games on the PC but since it was on Gamepass I thought I would try it on the Xbox. Trying to aim with the controller is just horrendous for me. I messed around with the settings and that just made it worse. I didn’t find it intriguing enough to buy it on PC, but I might give it another shot if the aiming assist is improved on the Xbox or it comes to PC on Gamepass.

I’m right there with you, Bruce. Aiming felt atrocious on the Xbox. I ended up picking it up on PC because that’s where my friend that wanted to play it is and I figured a PC keyboard/mouse scheme would work a lot better (it does).

Yeah I want to play it with my son, we have xbox’s and gamepass as well but damn I cannot use a controller on this one, I may play pc with him xbox at least I only need to buy 1 copy