Outriders - Square Enix colonizes space

My understanding is the game struggled financially, People Can Fly did an expansion and final patch, and have moved on to their next projects

Also, it wasn’t meant to be an ongoing live service game. It was a once-and-done game, and it works (for, at least) as advertised. Nothing wrong with that!

Yeah, i gave it some more time and the shooting & combat are pretty tight, despite the obvious Destiny envy at work. I’m playing the pyro and the powers are uneven in usefulness but fun to experiment with. The difficulty tick-ups are interesting. if i want to faceroll through, i can.

But that story, damn. I spent way too many years reading sci-fi to tolerate an incoherent story that picked where it wanted to end up and half-assed its way backwards from there. A bit of thought, a few tweaks in the lore, and starting in media res would have made a huge difference in the first hour’s experience. i think too many developers ignore how the first hour of a game goes for people who are coming at it fresh.

I kind of get that now, movement is a big part of the combat and there are plenty of ways the game punishes would-be campers.