Paddington 2 is now the greatest movie of all time.

They’re worth owning, just saying.

Oh wow, that’s a brilliant idea. Amazon wishlist time!

Dude it’s less than $5 on blu-ray.

That’s used copies, plus a $4 shipping and handling. Anyway, I’d rather find a new copy for close to $5 if that becomes available. I wonder if they will ever release UHD Blu Ray or if Blu Ray the best quality release we can ever hope for?


That’s for Region 2 and won’t play for me in the U.S., correct?

Oh my bad, completely missed it.

Not liking Paddington 2 is even more of a foolproof “is this person evil?” litmus test than not returning shopping carts in parking lots.

So watch out for those two reviewers who clearly work for Satan.

It’s rentable on Amazon for $4. That’s how I watch most of my movies.

Same restriction as Microsoft, once you start, you only have 48 hours to finish it. I don’t know how I can guarantee that with a 5 year old. It’s probably cheaper to buy the Blu-ray, if I can find a new copy.