Pat Robertson: Haiti got destroyed because of deal with satan to overthrow the french

Christy, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French, Napoleon III or whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said we will serve you if you get us free from the French. True story. So the devil said okay it’s a deal, so the Hatians revolted and got themselves free.

Uh, yeah, that’s. . . I guess they just needed to get 51% of the populace together to agree for the whole population? Tyranny of the majority, indeed!

Why the fuck does anyone listen to that guy?

Yeah, UnionCarbide, why do you listen to that guy?

I have to wonder what good ol’ Pat makes of the Book of Job.

You know - the Biblical Book which makes a point that misfortune is not something out there to punish the wicked. So you can’t look to “divine” punishment as a sign of wrongdoing.

Maybe he skipped that one.

So Pat interviewed the Devil to confirm that quote? And can produce the original documentation on the nationwide referendum that passed, compelling all inhabitants to sell their souls to Satan?

The only reason that I can figure this moron has a job is that other morons like to be reassured that they are not alone.

I thought he kept the freemason conspiracy stuff in his books. I guess he’s slipping in his old age.

I’m sure he confirmed the story when he made his own deal ;-)

I’m surprised anyone takes this ravenous douchey fucktard seriously, in all honestly.

Why does it sound like Pat would have preferred the French maintain Haiti as a slave colony to this day?

Because it’s better then believing that he actually thinks that God decided to smite 100,000 heathens for what their forefathers supposedly did generations ago

So, any bets on when the generational fallout condemns Alaska for giving us Palin?

FWIW - all of my Christian friends, including some who are pretty fundamentalist, are posting about what an idiot this guy is and can we get God to just strike him mute?

What a total, hate-filled moron.

Imbecil hijo de puta

Darkies = Satan worshipers. Duh!

I am proud to have Mr. Batshit Insane in Virginia Beach! Proud!

At this juncture, translatable doesn’t cover the requisite offensiveness payload. Allow me to suggest the following options:

Gran pedazo gonorrheico de sangre-mierda.
Cerdo hijuemalparido.

Anytime somebody uses the phrase “or whatever,” it’s a pretty good idea not to take them seriously.

Prior to the Hatiain revolution in 1791, Dutty Boukman was the houngan for a big shindig at Bois Caiman, praying to the loa for their help in overthrowing the French. He prophecied that three men Jeannot, Jean Francios* and Biassou, would lead the slave revolt, and he sacrificed a pig to bless them and any others who would be fighting against the French.

So I guess Pat Robertson doesn’t buy into syncretic religions.

The world could a Francois Mackandal to take care of folks like Pat Robertson.

*I originally typed in Jean Francis, thought that was wrong and checked Wikipedia. Oddly enough, this stupid Pat Robertson bullshit has already been added to the article on Dutty Boukman.

At first, I was like, “Nuh-UH!!”, and then he was all like “True story”, and then I was all like “Whoa”.

Well, no one can deny Pat Robertson is a dick, racist, and ironically anti-Christian in his beliefs. However, if you want to help the relief, here are some organizations you can donate to. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières were there before the earthquake and my go-to charity in the event of massive disasters. You can also text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross for Haiti earthquake relief.