Pathfinder: Kingmaker

I wouldn’t mind having the spiritualist in the game.

So I’m sitting here with a $25 credit in my Humble account due to switching plans, and I’m eyeing this game which has long been on my wishlist. Seems like the vast majority of complaints on Steam are about difficulty, which makes me think players aren’t terribly familiar with some of the gamemasters I play with, lol. Anyway, I looked at the packages and while I admit to being tempted by the adorable red panda pet, the season pass is rather enticing but that version is $40 more than the standard edition.

Any thoughts on the value of the various packages being offered?

Season pass? I’m confused. What are they going to add to the game? Isn’t this an entire Adventure Path, finishing at level 20? I’m 41 hours in and think I still have 2 chapters left.

Direct quote from Owlcat games re: DLC

There are currently plans for at least 3 DLC packs. “These additions expand the world of the Stolen Lands and add new companions, locations, buildings, items, and most importantly - new adventures, memories and emotions for you to experience!”

As for length, the devs claim it’s all 6 APs from the original Pathfinder, plus a new epilogue chapter in the First Lands to fight the Fey and their gods . They claim this is enough to get the party to 20, and worked with Paizo to ensure they were good with it. Strangely, no ones gotten this far yet, or at least I haven’t seen it to confirm hah.

37 posts were split to a new topic: Tom Chick’s crazyman ranting about difficulty levels and game designers not doing their jobs

Tom, I’m 42 hours into the game and I think it took me… 6-8 hours to get to the Kingdom building? I’m assuming that by the end of my gameplay experience, 85-90% of it was spent with Kingdom Building involved. This game is easily my GoTY for 2018 unless they somehow horrifically faceplant the ending.

The games the real deal. I get Tom’s complaint, but its a very minor one imo. This game is meant for the rpg grognards who really want a direct tabletop to crpg transtlation. Just like with the BG games and the recent Obsidian games, it gets down to how much can you handle the minute details of combat and class/level optimize. I just got to the kingdom part (restarted from monk nearing end of Act I to start as Alchemist), total it does take around 8-12 hours for a first time, but it shouldn’t be that much different an experience for most of these BG like games.

I am interested to see how they handle the build a town aspect. I never played this AP, but I do know of its open ended nature.

Overall very impressed…as well I like that the writing doesn’t get too metaphysical but just lives in its high fantasy setting. Part of why I don’t like Pillars of Eternity’s lore is because it borders too much on metaphysical ramblings … trying to ape on the Planescape stuff. Plus I am a fan of Pathfinders Golarion setting… its a believable kitchen sink high fantasy gameworld and its pretty deep.

This makes me want to play, but I have so many other games already! I also don’t mind choice in difficulty. Whatever makes it fun for… anyone.

Despite my GREAT love for this game, I also think it is going to be significantly better in a couple weeks as they actively keep patching it.

It’s actually good that you have a prelude to the kingdom building. You will get to know your characters for a reason…plus you do need to get a feel for the combat, its really not that hard if you ever played NWN1/2 or even SWTOR and BG. Just make sure to save before big battles and use your potions wisely (ie restoration).

Theres nothing more satisfying when you develop a strategy to a battle and actually win it! Also with the ruleset, the combat does have a feel for a frontline of combat. You can actually have a wall of melee to block as Opportune attacks can belittle oppionents trying to get to your flank.

It also helps to make an Alchemist who can bomb the shit out of the enemy! STUPID DOOMSPIDERS!

I feel similarly. I Kickstarted “Pillars of Eternity” wasn’t super excited about the direction they were taking it in, but was certainly willing to try it. But I’ve made several attempts at playing it with over 8 hours in, and I just don’t like the central conceit of reincarnated lives. There’s all these random people that when I try to talk to them they have stories that aren’t their stories but stories of past dead people that they used to be. The stories are really just short and not all that interesting snippets. I don’t know if they’re important to read or not, and I can’t tell which people have real dialog and which ones just have past lives dialogs.

I strongly prefer Pathfinder: Kingmaker’s more traditional fantasy world. Obviously that’s just personal preference, but it is an important reason why I do prefer Pathfinder. In addition the PoE mechanics just feel fidgety like the health vs. endurance thing (but perhaps that’s because I’m much more familiar with DnD 3 and 3.5).

Typical DM guidance is to not roll for things where there are no consequences for failure!

Two tips, first, when you’re dealing with Nok-Nok and encounter a drunken, sad, hill giant, just murder him. Murder him and never look back. Letting him live and you get a never-ending, constant irritant in your kingdom. He becomes a drain on your resources and your advisor’s time. He’s the worst.

Second, DON"T bring Tristain with you when resolving the very end of the Varnhold quest line. Just don’t.

In theory I agree with this and I’d I think it’s a good goal to have. But like ydejin says

So I agree that the devs should try to make their difficulty settings make sense but understand it may not always be possible, unless they take a more complicated approach - like tailor an encounter for your party. That would take a lot of work and would be hard to account for all of the combinations of party members.

I’m not sure how I feel about that since I want to feel like I’m exploring and taking party in a world that is the way it is - not adapt to make me succeed for the choices I made.

I think some type of adaptive difficulty is easier for some type of action game like Agents of Mayhem.

The Kingdom management is going to be the death of me since I can only do so much within a time period. Can’t do it all. This is a good thing, but it’s causing me stress! :-)

Cmon guys, the difficulty of the game is what you make of it… the fun of it is if you ever had the great combats in old school IWD/BG/NWN2/TOEE, this game has it. You should know already if its for you or not. If you like tactical pause considerations and take great pride in figuring out weaknesses to exploit certain encounters, then this games for you.

I really really hope this game succeeds. Why didn’t these guys work with Obsidian?!? Obsidian worked on the great Adventure Card Game, and they did alot of respect to the license. Such a shame. Because WotC definitely doesnt give a shit about the grognard crpg diehards! I never had so much fun minmaxing my party AND Kingdom!

I can imagine the other Adventure Paths being done, they have so many cool settings in Pathfinder. Also cool monsters and characters and loot and landscapes and dungeons n shit.

Also the party banter when they camp is so good, old school Bioware, and even some Sirtech.

Halfway through AP4 I think - and surprisingly, haven’t seen many bugs. One weird thing with the kingdom, but he went away (I think? @peacedog has a point about the Kingdom interface being obtuse but also a pita to find sometimes) again - can I just jump forward in time to a long vacation in December when this is patched to glossy shine? Because it might be my GOTY then.

I noticed last night that handy Kingdom button only shows up as I was approaching my capitol. Maybe it’s a proximity thing. I think it should be available all the time, if nothing else to look at the Kingdom stats.

Ya. And I’ve hit a couple (interesting!) points where I want to head back to my capital, but know its at least a 3 day hike and I’m not sure I can risk it. They should add the feature that as your outposts/cities expand, they extend the Kingdom interface, as they are all “networked” now.

Also - I want to thank whoever came up with the idea to have post screen loot consolidation. It’s such a great feature.

I just in case it wasn’t clear to others…

In the kingdom screen when your character is assigned to the event with an NPC and you start the event, time passes right away. If your character isn’t assigned then you can assign NPCs and press the start project button without time passing automatically.

So, when trying to do multiple projects / events - don’t start the one involving your character until you have all other events and projects assigned and started.

For some reason it took me a little while to discover this.