Pathfinder: Kingmaker

I think my problem is that I can’t enter the Technic League Encampment. Looks like you can recruit 2 people from there. I found the location back prior to the Stag Bandit but didn’t enter before i killed him. I tried after that and couldn’t and just figured the quest timed out. Now I searched on that location and realize I’m missing 2 characters. I may stop playing this. There is no way I’m restarting to get those 2 characters, but if I can’t fill my adviser slots I’m probably screwed.

You skipped the Technic League until after the Stag Lord? Yikes. Interesting.

Just put Kingdom Management on Auto and play without it. You aren’t really missing anything by not participating in it. Not having access to those two characters is only a big deal if you had planned on using one or both in your party, you’ll be able to experience them instead in a future play through.

Alternatively, you could just give this one a few more weeks or a month to work some more of the kinks out. I’m hoping to wrap this up and will probably put it away for a good 4-6 months after that. It’s amazing, and it’s potentially one of my favorite RPG’s, but man, it’s still pretty rough in some ways.

Wait, who’s Kassil?!

I think he was the emissary I got at the beginning of the game.

Oh, Ok. I took the 17 year old kid.

I guess I could put the kingdom stuff on auto. While the kingdom stuff isn’t that great I do like the flavor. Too much repeating stuff though. I’m OK with not having them in my party. I don’t have any mage, but have been using Linzi to use wands.

Linzi made a fine “buff battery” for me, just dropping buffs and heals. I have a Sorcerer so I have magic coming out of my ears, and can’t speak to how well other characters fit into that specific slot. Pathfinder seems more about base-attack bonus and melee to me, though magic is always powerful and handy. You could always roll up a new party member as well, of course!

I just put the Kingdom stuff on auto. I hate having to run back home at certain times to manage stuff that is only ever a negative. There needs to be a reward for doing things well (which there may be, but if so I missed it)

One thing I really miss is crafting - not that I like crafting all that much but Pathfinder has a bazillion different weapons to focus on, quite a few with compelling reasons. So if you pick a Fauchard hope you enjoy masterwork for who knows how long, if not forever. Because it’s unlikely they stuck in a higher level version of your weapon unless an acquirable PC is using it.

The sound you hear every time you can’t craft an item in Pathfinder is me weeping.

Or possibly your case fans.

Honestly they should have just put an NPC in place that you tell him what you want with a series of drop down menus and then pay him in gold and he comes back a week or a month or whatever later with the thing you requested. They could have such a vendor for various types of items, even. That way everyone gets the stuff they want even if it takes a bit of time (especially in the late game) to get it.

Restoration, Lesser isn’t working for me with Tristian. As I understand it I have Constitution Damage, not drain so Lesser should work. I have Regular restoration as well, but it doesn’t work because I don’t have diamond dust (but I do have a diamond).

He casts it but nothing happens, the spell is not used up and no con. dmg is removed. I can repeat ad nauseam. Both potions and scrolls of lesser restoration do work.

Turn on “remove status effects on rest”
Profit :)

I really did not like how they handled the time limit in chapter 4, with the call of abaddon. Unlike the previous one that is running down a timer in your log, this one is stealth. Also I missed talking to the sister in the Kellid Barbarian Camp, which never triggered the required quest that opens up the required locations and basically the game ended. Not a fan of that, especially since, unless I missed it, no one directed me to talk to her (though a quest that took me there).

I’m replaying again and went back 15 days in game and now down to the wire whether I’ll complete the apocalypse quest in time.

I would put a spoiler tag on it, but seems to me that a stealth end game to a stealth triggered mission was a big opps and screw up. Also getting help online for this trigger was brutally difficult.

In that vein, I ran across the first slings in the game.

In a dungeon. In Chapter 4. They weren’t masterwork or anything. I’d just assumed that slings weren’t in the game at this point.

That’s good. I was worried my caster druid wouldn’t have anything to do beside cheer on my animal companion. I am sure we will see more of them.

I mean, it’s all he’s gonna do until level like 12 or 13.

It’s beyond silly there aren’t vendors that carry every type of weapon. Half the weapons in the game are basically traps since they don’t exist. Meanwhile I’m buried in magical falchions, falcatas and dueling swords.

Apparently there’s two issues here. One is that sometimes you actually have a -CON curse and not CON damage. That takes a remove curse (scroll or potion at low levels) instead. You can go into the character sheet and look at the effects to see if it’s labelled as a curse.

On top of that, I also ran into a bug where the remove curse potion doesn’t always work, but a reload seems to fix it.

I think the patches added back slings with gusto.

Cloudkill is amusing. Had one basically clear out almost the entire goblin fort just slowing rolling across the map. Also really should have brought Amiri to the Womb dungeon. Really missing cleave right now.

I had one where remove blindness scrolls didn’t work on a few of my characters (but it worked on others). The spell did work for the broken ones though.

I found that one too, and eventually figured out the curse part and removed it. But for the issue I posted about it clearly said Con damage and not curse. Potions and scrolls work, but neither Lesser nor normal Restoration work (found diamond dust, doesn’t matter, can’t cast it - it just does nothing and doesn’t use up the spell).