PC Gamer ass whooping

/me sporting best Erkle (?) voice

…did I do that?

At least nobody ever accused me of starting boring threads. :D :D

All jokes aside, I mean, what can one do? Its not like I’m going to pick up the phone, call Rob or Harms and bitch at the top of my lungs. Besides the ethical nature of the whole thing, I’m really not bothered by it.

Heck, mags have done worse things (as indeed I have) to me and I didn’t bat an eyelid.

Who can forget that it was CGW that printed that whole me kicking Coke machine blatant lie without ever verifying it? They got the libelous info from Take Two, took it as gospel and printed it without ever even asking me about it. It wasn’t until many years later when ol’ man Jeff was doing a cover article on me, that he verified from one of the Take Two managers who was on the scene, that the incident never happened and subsequently stated as such in that interview. In fact, he’s the only person besides myself, attorneys and Take Two, who has ever seen all the legal paperwork and other supporting docs, related to that Take Two farce.

The fact is, there was a heated argument, the Take Two producer and I walked to the elevator, I left and never returned. It was all a fabrication by Take Two in order to justify that I’d walked out on the project, thereby forcing them to release BC3K prematurely. The same shit publishers are still doing to this day.

Anyone who thinks that I would shy away from saying that I kicked a vending machine, just, well, doesn’t know Derek Smart. Fact is, I’m not even violent by nature and that was the funny part of it all. That whole thing was like an Enquirer hearsay piece.

Of course, several months later when push came to shove and the attorneys got involved, everything came to light. Take Two settled quietly, greased my palms for the agony and breach and I got my Battlecruiser franchise back. And subsequently went to Interplay. But the fabricated urban legend remained. Sure I sent CGW a letter in protest, but they just ignored it and decided to take the word of Take Two over mine even without ANY proof or corroborating whatsoever!!

And didn’t Tom McDonald do the same thing while at Boot (now Max PC)? Without EVER seeing a single line of my code - he called up experts (e.g. has-been Keith Zabalowi at Atomic Games) and a bunch of other fuckheads to speculate that because BC3K didn’t work (doh!), there was no neural net in place, that it [NN in games] couldn’t even be done etc etc etc.

It wasn’t until I fired off a particularly vehement email with source code, that he started back off and subsequently recanted after several people took him to the carpet for the same thing. From this complete accounting, here is an excerpt from his email/post.


“…I never said there is no neural net. I simply raised questions. That is
my right. There’s this funny thing out there called a First Amendment.
You have no grounds for a lawsuit.”

To this day, my games have been heralded as having one of the most advanced AI ever developed. And wasn’t it until much, much later that game developers started focusing on AI (e.g. the superb AI in B&W) for games - and using neural nets where/when possible.

What was the result of that farce? A lot of bitching. Sure I could’ve sued (and my attorney who corneredd Take Two was all for it at NO cost to me), but what would that bring me? Oh, so now I’m suing the gaming media? Where would that have got me?

What about that farce with Dan Bennett? He told me point blank on Usenet that they only carry demos that gamers requested. That ended up being a blatant lie as proven by several posters in that thread and via email, since several bad games were being carried on the PCG demo disk. The end result? A fight with PCG (because this put a spotlight on the mag) which ended up getting me blacklisted. But only the frigging idiots at PCG at the time, assumed that I didn’t have industry friends and that, at some point or another, whatever is written and/or said about me, eventually ends up either in my email inbox, at a trade show conversation or on the phone. So, I knew exactly what was going on over there. They just didn’t know that.

How about when the online (e.g. Gamespot) media deliberately take ludicrous jabs at me and/or my game when trying to pitch another game and/or idea. Then find later that their original pick ended up being a farcical flop. Anyone remember Starlancer? How about all the other space sims (apart from the excellent Freespace series) which were all pitched using BC3k (which beat them all at retail, funny enough) as a contrast?

There isn’t a SINGLE magazine that I can think of, that hasn’t taken ludicrous, unfounded, unethical pot shots at me (except maybe CGM). Not one. But what can you do? I know all the editors and all the mainstream writers, so of course I can send email bitching all I want. What would the end result be? I’ll tell you what it would be. It would end up being exactly what Imagine Media did to me during that BC3K farce in which every chance they got, they printed some ludicrous, unfounded and just plain false about me and if I bitch, I can look forward to more of the same, to the extent that I’d never get my game looked at, let alone previewed or reviewed.

And they ALL do that. It wasn’t until Rob Smith went to PCG (from PCXL which covered my games), and most of the fockers over there either got too old and died, fired, or burnt out and exited the industry, that anything about me or my games ended up in PCG.

Same with CGW. It wasn’t until Jeff became EIC, that I started getting more coverage as I used to when Johnny was there.

CGM (as well as PCXL and PC Games, when Steve Klett and co were over there) is a different story. And frankly, I can’t remember something like that ever happening over there. The only thing I can remember is Steve telling me that I stand no chances of ever getting a cover again because my games don’t sell magazines - mass market properties do. Bastard. :D Then they go and do a space sim article, treated BC3K as an afterthought…and watched all of the games (except mine) tank at retail. hehe

So you see, to print something about me in/out of context is probably something they [mags] wouldn’t think twice about doing. After all, this is Derek Smart - controversy magnet - we’re talking about. Even if I bitched about it, that particular rant would be relegated to just another of my rantings and be discarded without further ado.

When Jeff was interviewing me for that CGW piece, he had a recorder and the whole day he was down here, we talked about a lot of things - on and off the record. Not a single off the record item, recorded or otherwise, was printed.

So, seeing that I’ve come to expect something like this from the media, I’m not particularly bothered by it as I normally would be. But Chet and others do raise some valid points about contextual use and the fact that this is particular why game devs rarely post (as themselves at least) outside of their own boards and certainly not about anything which could be misconstrued and/or nabbed off Google. Besides, most of these folks answer to someone (unlike me, who answers to nobody but my bank manager) and they’re likely to get into some shit if something they posted ended up making the tabloids.

I find myself in the damned if you and damned if you don’t category, so, I can’t be arsed about stuff like this. At the end of the day, as long as what I do [develop games] remains fun for some people and for me (after all, I do this for me, though the derived income is nice too), I could care less wtf the press is writing about. As long as my games get previewed/reviewed based on merit and not on my antics, I could care less what goes on.

I for one am never going to post anon. My Derek Smart and Supreme Commander aliases are well known for fear of someone taking it out of context or for some odd reason. I will always stand by what I post and anybody who takes exception to what I post, can kiss my merry ass. In fact, my posting style is so unique, that even when some gits impersonate me on boards (e.g. VE, ScreenShots, Blues etc), most posters take one look and know its not me.

So, there you have it.

Brilliat!! A good 'ol roasting!!


/me running off to fetch a stool, a bag of marshmallows and a pitcher of iced tea


>How about when the online (e.g. Gamespot) media deliberately take ludicrous jabs at me and/or my game when trying to pitch another game and/or idea?

When did GameSpot do that, Derek? I’ve done a lot of the space sim coverage for that site over recent years, and don’t think I’ve ever taken a “ludicrous jab” at BC3K. By the way, saying it’s a drag that BC3K was released by Take Two in unfinished form isn’t a “ludicrous jab”.

Derek, do you own any socks?


Many moons ago, just after the great Lithtech vs. Unreal wars, Jason Hall coined this “Angry Keyboard Powers” in an email and that’s stuck with me ever since. It pops into my head every time I see a self-important post futilely arguing the merits of things they only half understand and demanding acknowledgement of their obviously superior intellect. Social misfit teenagers with their Angry Keyboard Powers. It just has a nice ring to it…

Derek - I often wonder how much faster the latest Battlecruiser would be finished and how muc less buggy it would be if you spent half as much time on messgae boards and instead spent it reviewing code or something. I mean, this is hardly the only board where you make almost daily and quite voluminous posts. It has GOT to take a not-insignificant amount of time. :wink:

Derek hasn’t posted to a board for over four years. It’s all Neural Net AI™.

The DKS sim’s gotten a lot better, too, since he removed the
<#Return (FLAME) >
routines. Man, what a pain when those would get stuck in infinite loops!

Jason Cross

Derek - I often wonder how much faster the latest Battlecruiser would be finished and how muc less buggy it would be if you spent half as much time on messgae boards and instead spent it reviewing code or something. I mean, this is hardly the only board where you make almost daily and quite voluminous posts. It has GOT to take a not-insignificant amount of time.

I always hate when people say that - look a developer who gets people’s feedback and responds - bad! You can’t work on something 24 hours a day, so Derek doesn’t have a drug habit or doesn’t sit all day in strip bars, he frequents forums. He doesn’t owe you his time.

Couldn’t you be spending more time with your loved ones? Donating time to charity? etc. We all have something else we could be doing, but you can’t do it all the time.


I agree with Chet on this one. Derek, of all people, should know his funding and when he’s got to get something on the shelf to make a profit on his game. He’s like the sole developer and all that! Same with 3D Realms… if George and friends want to take six years to make the next Duke Nukem, why not? They apparently aren’t hurting for money. You never hear much about people leaving and we certainly haven’t read about layoffs at 3D Realms due to the lateness of Duke.

Speaking of… what publisher will Duke have when it’s finally released? Take 2?



yeah 'im, thanks :D

They have at some point or another. In fact, I think I have a link or two somewhere. The last time I checked them (back when the whole site changed), most of them didn’t resolve to valid pages. I’ll see if I can dig 'em up.

Oh, I quite agree but thats not what I was talking about.

Yeah, the ones I wear with my sneakers. :D

The type of shoes I buy are low cut shoes that are meant to be worn without socks. I have a few pairs of higher cut dress shoes (i.e. with laces etc) which I wear socks with.

I live in Florida. I hate wearing socks and don’t if I can get away with it.

I’m smarter and more productive than the average person. So, my skillsets complement my past time.

PLUS, bugs don’t appear due to the time you spend on the code nor how fast you develop said code. Which, in case you were wondering, is why there are bugs in games developed over a five year span and those developed over a two year span.

As for my online time, well, some people drink, smoke, do drugs, shagaround, go to the ballgame, hang out with their buds, park their ass in front of the telly, stuff their face with stuff that is bound to kill 'em at some point etc etc. My computer is my interface to the world I’m in and since I can’t wake up in the morning, get all dolled up, get in a car, drive to work…to meet and associate with a bunch of likely overpaid and underachieving wankers, I find that posting and associating with people online, is the closest I’m going to get to mingling with people who are in my industry, share my views, buy/play my games or who I can just flame on a merry whim. The time I spend online is akin to someone who jogs. Do you do five miles today or ten miles? Or do you just walk?

At the end of the day, when I turn my system off and go to bed, I don’t go to bed thinking …damn, that prick has put on so much weight or …that frigging fool had better be there tomorrow, or …that bastard had better return my DVDs tomorrow…you know, all the crap one has to deal with when you know people in real life.

I live in a very small secluded life and the 99% of the people I know, are firmly planted behind an online alias. And 1% of them I know in real life and am probably better off not knowing.

So you see, the time an average simpleton would spend pissing around doing, well, nothing - and calling it a pasttime, I do this: mingle with people who are beyond the term at arm’s length. I think my fans and my peers (and of course the odd online friend or two) are the closest I come to actually caring about people online.

I never get involved in anything or with anyone that I can’t walk away from in the time it takes me to hit the submit/send button. Which is why I have no conscience nor any shred of remorse nor regret when it comes to my online shenanigans and adventures. Some people take life too seriously. Me? I’m just coasting along at a merry pace.

Did I mention that I type faster than the average pecker? So while one would think that it took me several minutes to type up a diatribe, I probably typed it up before I finished thinking about what it was I wanted to actually type. No, really. I’m not one of those people who takes two hours to watch 60 minutes.

…and while I was typing this, I’ve switched to my compiler twice and fixed two compile errors, ran BCG in a window to check on a particle fx, and replied to a publisher congratulating me on my being accepted (the only indie dev so far I think) into the XBox registered developer program - all the while wondering how the hell they found out, since I haven’t even told anyone about it (this all happened last week) nor have I even announced the XBox space/planetary sim (the only one on the XBox so far) I’ve been working (design+pre-production) for almost two months now. heh.

hehe, I think it was something more like :

int flame_response(void)
    for (;;)  
        if (PeekFlame(&flame_msg)
            if (flame_msg.message == DEFINITELY_A_FLAME)
            if (!flame_end)

I guess that settles that. I cannot decide if I am jealous of your devil-may-care ride through life or think your a fucking nutcase, serial killer, eccentric hermit.

Lemme mull this one over a bit.

Whatever else you may be, you sure are confident. Just out of curiosity, given the rather poor sales of many space-based strategy/sim games on the PC over the last three years, why do you think an Xbox version of such a game would be successful?

I’m not trying to be negative, I am just wondering if there is a large enough Xbox audience for such a game. Air Force Delta storm was regarded as a pretty good flight simulation game for a console, but it only sold about 63,000 units.

Whatever else you may be, you sure are confident. Just out of curiosity, given the rather poor sales of many space-based strategy/sim games on the PC over the last three years, why do you think an Xbox version of such a game would be successful?

I’m not trying to be negative, I am just wondering if there is a large enough Xbox audience for such a game. Air Force Delta storm was regarded as a pretty good flight simulation game for a console, but it only sold about 63,000 units.[/quote]

Since when did I care? Quite frankly, I don’t. In all worst case scenarios, my games have always sold well enough to keep me in business and to ensure that I’m around to do the next one. Thats all I care about. I’m in for the thrill of doing something cool and if I was a devil-may-care millionaire, I’d be doing shareware titles. Unfortunately, shareware in the field I’m in, doesn’t pay the bills. And I’m not a personal millionaire. :D

If the XBox space sim does 64K units, I’d sure as hell be celebrating.

Oh, thats easy. I’m an eccentric nutcase who just happens to be a hermit.

Congratulations on that. Nice to see an indie doing something on the Xbox that doesnt require you to solder new chips into the unit :)

Definately look forward to seeing how this develops, and what your thoughts are on the whole process.

How can you have so much whitespace in your code? Aack! Am I the only person in the world who puts the opening braces on the same line as the statement? Doh! Ahh well.

Oh, thats easy. I’m an eccentric nutcase who just happens to be a hermit.[/quote]

Aha!! So you are not denying you have people in your freezer?


If you have seen any of the Microsoft NDAs (I’ve signed like maybe a dozen over the years, due to me being on several of their dev programs), you’d know that I can’t say much about it.

But I was once on the Incubator program (back when I had the Serious Sam engine license) because that was the first indie dev program that MS was pushing back in the early days of the XBox inception. As time went on, I got involved with BCM and the XBox kept slipping. And the Croteam folks never did get around to porting the SS engine (it was in OGL) to DX8 (which is what I needed for the XBox project I signed up to do via the Incubator program) due to their signing with Take Two and having to focus on getting the game done and published. So I lost interest, the SS license lapsed and I never did go forward with the Incubator program. Note that Croteam started doing the DX8 port about a year or so later (after SS was released) and are now doing the XBox port as a result.

Anyway, once I got BCM done and was designing BCG, I contacted my XBox dev contacts again (it always helps to know people) and explained to them why I didn’t move forward with a title via the Incubator program but wanted to change to the registered developer program (the same program that publishers and other bigwigs are on, since it is less restrictive than the Incubator program). After explaning what I wanted to do, I got As an experienced company with shipping titles, the Registered Developer Program is a better fit anyway. Under the RDP you would be allowed to purchase up to 2 dev kits at the standard price of snip each. There is no time limit. back from them. No, I’m not going to post the entire email, that excerpt will have to do, without revealing anything that isn’t already in the public domain and/or on the XBox dev site.

The good thing about the RDP is that there is no timeline, no publisher signup requirements etc. Sure, MS is probably not going to let me self-publish since I won’t have the marketing dollars (they make money on software and lose on hardware, so marketing is essential), but thats not a big deal. Most publishers these days are more likely to consider a console title (even a niche one) than a PC title. And I already have lots of takers - but I’m not signing anything until I know wtf I’m doing. Since I’m going to be forking out for my own tools, kits etc, I don’t need to sign up with a publisher in order to be able to develop for the XBox. I can take as long as I bloody well want in order to become more familiar with the HW, fine tune my design etc

So, thats how it all got started. Since I started working on BCG back in December 2001 (shortly after BCM shipped in November), it was with a view to doing a space/planetary hybrid for the XBox. To the extent that the current design is such that I can either completely cancel BCG for the PC and do it exclusively for the XBox with nary a downtime or release it for both the PC and XBox (e.g. Morrowind). For me XBox dev is more about learning something new than about making money. I have never programmed for a console and have no intentions of learning to program on any Sony or Nintendo HW. Ever. The XBox platform is less of a learning curve and my tools can be easily adapted. Plus its a closed system and with that, I’d like to see just how much I can stress the HW, much like I do the PC, without it bleeding Green goop. :D

As far as the comsole game design goes, the most important aspects of redesign have been the interface and input. In fact, the only reason why BCM/BCG even have that many key commands is because in keeping with the BC legacy tradition, I expose all those keys because the power users are used to them - even though the entire game can be controlled with a joystick, mouse and less than ten keyboard keys. Every single command can be emulated and switched on every mapped dpad and button on the XBox. In fact, I actually have a PC emulation of this, using the joystick to emulate the dpad (I use a hat switch state to emulate alternate dpads) and keyboard keys to emulate buttons. It works surprisingly well, I must admit. I was rather surprised actually - but I’m like that. :D :D :D

The reason I have not announced this yet, is because I haven’t yet made a decision on what to do. i.e. do BCG for both PC and XBox or cancel BCG for the PC entirely (there will always be BCM Gold, BCTC and BCO for the disgruntled BC masses).

Another issue with this is the Battlecruiser name. It is notorious for being on the hardcore niche and if I do sign with a publisher, they might not want to tag a Battlecruiser name on the console. In fact, just for this argument, I already have a name in mind and even if I do it both for the PC and XBox (which I most definitely will, its looking like), the interface for the XBox is going to be dramatically more different and with minimum amount of work, which will support a new name, even though the underlying engine is really BCG on the PC. It would be blasphemy for me to do a straight PC to XBox port knowing how much whacky graphics and stuff I can do on the XBox that I won’t even bother doing on the PC.

My excitement is because most console games do not have that whole free form nature (except for GTA3 and one or two others), so I’d like to bring a BC hybrid title to the XBox so that, even with a campaign scenario, once completed, the notorious roam (freeform) mode of the game ensures endless replayability as it does on the PC.

Its all exciting indeed and the end result is that I’d be able to add a console title to my virtual resume. :D

hehe, it comes from years of conditioning. I’m anal like that.:D

heh, if you ever want to see just how horrible some code can be, download Understand for C++ and run your source through it. You’ll probably shudder, if you’re not the type to stick to clear and defined coding styles.

Sometimes I take one look at code from some of my guys, whince, re-format the whole mess and check it back into source control. They go to check it out of SC, thinking I’ve made actual code changes, only to find that its been reformatted - complete with an embedded DevPad note with something like …if you fuck up this code format again, I’m going to make you re-write it in assembly G :D :D Even when I sit around and update my project mgmt software, I usually have entries similar to …format <file.cpp> for proper readability

LMAO!!! I didn’t think anyone would pick up on that. :D :D

[quote=“Derek Smart [3000AD”]

LMAO!!! I didn’t think anyone would pick up on that. :D :D[/quote]

And yet, still not a denial. Hrmmm… :)

Hey, great post Derek. When I read some of your posts, I feel like I am back in college listening to some self proclaimed all-knowing professor who is pretty full of himself. The difference is you really do seem to know a shitload 'o stuff and are not getting paid to spew. Oh and you are interesting enough to keep me awake through the whole lecture. :wink:

Of course not. That is the One True Brace Style (1TBS) as Kernighan and Ritchie intended. It is also the Sun standard style for formatting Java.



Derek, you have a serious problem with braces and nesting. I fear for the sanity of your colleagues.

int flame_response(void) 
    while (true) { 
        if (!PeekFlame(&flame_msg)
           return 1;
        if (flame_msg.message == DEFINITELY_A_FLAME) 
        if (!flame_end) 

hehe, what, are you saying that I’m not full of myself? You’re kidding me, right? :D

There’s nothing wrong with it. I use a perfectly legit and acceptable coding standard. Since you don’t have a choice but to stare at it and shake your head, back the hell off me and go find a good book on programming syntax. Better yet, read the link that Milo provided. You might just learn something.

You might as well bitch about spelling and grammer errors in forum posts. The notion is quite similar I’d wager. :roll:

And no, I didn’t want a while(true) in there. I leave the reasons to your imagination as to why that is. It wasn’t even supposed to be compilable code. It was just a quick stab at pseudo prototyping code due to my response to Denny.

And while you may have spent quite a good few minutes thinking of the best way to write it, so that you don’t look like a fool, it took me barely a few microseconds to write it up (just as I would a normal forum post) without a shred of thought as to whether it would actually work or not. I just knew that it would because, well, quite frankly, I’m good like that. :P

In fact, looking at yours again, mine is more likely to work as intended. Yours does the same thing, but since you have no idea what it is I intended, YMMV.

Its one thing I luv, its people criticising other people and without merit.

If you want to play …mine is bigger than yours, show me yours, at least show some respect and probably, oh, I dunno, a track record maybe? An alias on a forum doesn’t sit well with people who would be interested in such.