PewDiePie made $4 million last year

He pointed to a video where PDP himself points to specific examples.

  1. They called him a racist for some content where he is actually pointing out that OTHERS are acting fascist. He did this with some stupid montage of himself as some character watching Hitler footage. This was some rant about Youtube. I didn’t get it, but it was not about race at all.

  2. They accused him of doing a “Heil Hitler” because he pointed at something off screen in one of his videos. This was 100% out of context. The video they took it from had absolutely nothing to do with Hitler or racism.

Also, the joke that that everyone is freaking out about was a prank framing some other website or Youtuber for being a racist Nazi. Was it stupid? Absolutely, but the myriad of ways that the virtue-signaling left-wing army of brown shirts have chosen to take it out of context is astounding. See what I did there? Get it? The ones that are accusing people of Nazism are in fact themselves brown-shirted Nazis.