PewDiePie made $4 million last year

You don’t have to look to Hitler jokes to see that PewDiePie doesn’t get it.

I never really got the millennial progressive yell-ful “LISTEN TO ME I’M TELLING YOU” attitude until i realized they’re yelling at their non-progressive self-absorbed peers that need a good verbal head punching to look beyond the end of their social media.

“Insular hole”, “gibberish” and “clique” are insults (labels) used to be dismissive of your opponent in a debate. Can you use reason and logic without resorting to insults in an argument?

Well I guess the joke is just too clever for me, because all I see is a grade A asshole that would have this shit removed from youtube.

Shit just got REAL, yo

DM? Deathmatch? Drink More? Down with Muppets? Done Masturbating?

Aaand this is important…why?

Yep, Alex Jones has been sniffing around trying to get people on the internet to pay more attention to him.

Hey, Alex Jones, if the thing with Pew Dee Pie doesn’t pan out, DM me on Twitter. Maybe we can work something out.


Oh yeah, I’m sure we could do something for him. McMasterpiece Theatet featuring Alex Jones

Shit, just for extra fun, PDP recently did this:

It sounds to me like PewDiePie defends Politician that Say Womens Takes Jobs Paid Worse. But this is a worse clickbait material. And showing a nuance opinions is against the objetive of calling for moral panic.

I have no problem with a entertaining talking about a complicated subject like this. But is good to remember that he is a entertainer. Is different if he say this, as some politician say it, or some college professor. This is some fool opinion that knows about the subject has little has me and his job is to be interesting, not to be right.

Added to my son’s wishlist - thanks!

No lie, Bruce Coville is the author who shaped my reading habits and childhood more than any other, including Tolkien and Lewis.

Goblins in the Castle is a classic fantasy romp heavy on camp and self-awareness. The Aliens Ate My Homework series is a glorious scifi adventure that eventually goes full on interdimensional with a surprisingly heartfelt, moving core to it. The “Magic Shop” books are a great 50/50 split between youthful urban fantasy and moral tales. The A.I. Gang series is this fantastic mixture of high-tech espionage and coming-of-age shenanigans. . .

. . . I could go on, but suffice to say, even though little bits of some of the books written in the early 90s will feel a bit dated now (“Why didn’t he just call someone on his cellphone, dad?”), I would recommend Coville’s work to any kid from about 8-13.

There is nothing the world needed more than a male Swedish video game yelling millionaire’s take on feminism.

I don’t know what PewDiePie is trying to say (and couldn’t care less) but the politician in question did indeed say women are less intelligent and his speech was pretty close to hate speech, to the point that he was indeed suspended for it.

So touching that, even with a ten foot pole, is going to raise eyes.

Trying to spin this talking about nuance messaging and the realities of pay gap is damage control, at best.

Essentially. PDP just does not have the maturity or expertise to tackle these issues. If he’s feeling his way through the political scene, testing the waters, and learning as he goes that’s one thing, but PDP does not present his opinions as a work in progress. He makes pronouncements and gives advice to 56 million YT followers, and he does so primarily while chasing clicks. This does not make for well-reasoned political discourse.

Case in point. There’s nothing wrong with “Women are strong.” If that’s all he said, there’d be no controversy. Unfortunately, there’d also be no clicks for non-controversial content, so he starts by defending Janusz Korwin-Mikke’s comments from one show. But this is like starting your pro-BLM speech by defending something David Duke says. It doesn’t matter if that particular comment is a factual jumping off point for your presentation. People will look at the whole of David Duke’s career, hear your defense, and that’s that. Then, just because he’s either a shit or a dumbass, he ends with this marvelously condescending bit:

What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men.'”

These are the words of someone that either doesn’t understand how to talk to people if he’s trying to get on their good side, or he’s a savvy social media influencer that doesn’t give a shit about the larger consequences of his actions.

It’s really neither, he thinks of himself as a comedian and sees it as entertainment, not to be taken seriously. And most of his followers don’t take it seriously; those that do were predisposed to accept these things by their upbringing. The real danger here is that it normalizes hate speech, but I don’t see any real way to fix that process as it’s already well on its way.

I’d agree, except in this particular case, there’s nothing funny about the video. I don’t mean that in a “I’m so outraged that I refuse to see a joke” way. I mean, there’s literally not a joke in the video. PDP doesn’t present it as a comedic bit or even satire the way Colbert would’ve done it.

I think he’s being sincere. As sincere as a YT personality can be anyway.

Influencers gonna influence.

I think maybe an unwillingness to decouple from irony, or at least the possibility of irony, is the behavioral scourge of the age.