Phoenix Point - new Julian Gollop turn-based strategy game

So I’ve heard.

That was posted yesterday! :P

So in an early mission one of my guys got facehugged. I had absolutely no idea what to do. So I shot her in the head. Twice. Got the damned thing but injured her. I was surprised it worked at all. Later I saw the tip that you should use a pistol, not a rifle. Duh.

Cool I didn’t see the tip, so lots o’ damage done last night. I ended up restarting after deciding to visit a lair that popped up. Those little facehugger bastards though, I drop everything and try to shoot it before it gets to someone..

I think at this point it feels like a pretty late stage EA, not that I’ve even seen any noticeable bugs, but it still might have needed another patch or 2 before it could be considered a solid release. That being said, I too am really enjoying it and appreciate how I have yet to see the AI pull any head scratchingly goofy maneuvers (as couldn’t be said for early releases of Firaxis’ X-COMs).

I cant disagree with anything he said, just offers a new stuff to the XCOM framework that I would regret not having it day 1! and glad I got it.

I guess if your not a XCOM fan, wait for sale. If you are, new twists on old ideas with the feel of the original title…its hard to resist.

Sorry if this was posted already.

12 hours in and I think I have to start over because I’ve hit a bug that is preventing me from finding/founding new Phoenix havens. I hate the lack of information in so many different places. I hate the inventory management. Hate it. I wish for more interesting abilities for my soldiers.

Instead of restarting, I think I’m just going to put it on the shelf and check it out in a year. I think there’s a good game here someplace, but it needs to finish baking.

How does ammo work between missions? It seems like sometimes it replenishes and sometimes not, but I guess that could also be due to whether anything has been manufactured and is in storage. Are medkits use and lose as well (beyond the using up the charges in that mission)?

I know. I hated that. I never could figure out how to reload the fucking sniper rifle between missions. It would even give me a little exclamation point to let me know I had weapons not fully loaded. I KNOW, SHOW ME HOW TO LOAD THEM!
A) it should be fucking automatic
B) If it isn’t automatic, you should be able to just drag ammo on top of the weapon to reload.
C) But how you actually reload weapons between missions is ???

It’s an action in your bar, like firing or overwatch. Can’t do it if you don’t have extra ammo, though.

I know the reload action during the mission, but sometimes between missions they have weapons that aren’t fully loaded.

If you check out your personnel screen, there’s a little + sign next to the rifle that you click on to refill your ammo. Personally, I’d prefer it if ammo management wasn’t in the game. It’s bad enough learning that a wounded arm prevents your squaddie from using a rifle and you realise that you left all the pistols back at base.
I’ve built the vehicle and it’s a godsend. Spam missiles, protect the troopers from psionic attack and face-huggers, let them out to tidy the leftovers. Easy peasy.
Really enjoying this so far.

Yeah, not a huge fan of the ammo management here. Or at least the way it’s implemented. At the least all weapons should start loaded each mission.

Yeah, it’s weird that it doesn’t reload weapons between missions.

Apparently the troopers get home and just toss all their gear into a hamper and forget about it until the next outing or something. And it’s not like it’s “oh that’s all the brought with them” because you can totally teleport gear to an away team, so it isn’t like it’s there to encourage you to RTB or whatever. Besides that’s the point of fatigue anyway.

I have played maybe 6 missions so far. I am already getting a bit bored of it. I dunno why. I loved XCom/XCom 2 + WoTC, but this game isn’t grabbing me. Maybe some of those reviews I read which told me what is in store (not much), has kind of put me off on it.

Man, good thing I waited. Too bad.

Also, its annoying that your soldiers can’t shoot over a balcony to someone on the ground below, even if they are a few tiles out from the edge of the building. High ground seems to have little to no meaning in this game.

That is a real bummer to hear. At least I don’t feel that bad now for having to wait until it comes out on Steam…

Seems that Epic is trying to implement cloud saves for Pheonix Point. And failing.