Picard show confirmed

That was the only moment in the show that disappointed me, and it was sad that’s how the ended it. Terrible for crew morale, out of character for Riker, and just not believable given the JLC/WTR relationship, even in the heat of the moment. It was just shitty captaining, and the one moment that felt like bad writing.

As for the bad guys, that was the reveal I loved. Though kinda was still hoping for the Conspiracy bugs.

What happened to Wesley?

Season 2 spoilers, of course.

This is not a spoiler at this point, but Wesley was recruited by an omnipotent transdimensional being at the end of TNG called “The Traveler” to essentially become one of his kind. It was real stupid, but this seems to be the way that Star Trek now writes out characters it doesn’t like while giving the actor involved the slimmest modicum of dignity, because Wesley Crusher made the same offer in Picard Season 2 to get rid of one of the other most loathed characters of the first couple seasons.

Thank you. I’d forgotten that from the original TNG run.

I don’t know. Is it worth bringing back the Changelings if you can’t bring back Rene Auberjonois?

I watched the episode this morning.

  • Worf is badass. He can make even Privateer 2 planet and Raffi kinda cool.
  • McFadden and Stewart do a good job of trying to sell it, but man, it really stretches incredulity that Crusher would just keep a secret son for all these years
  • There’s “power surges” on the Titan this week, so we momentarily get to see what the sets would look like in the TNG era, with brighter lighting. They look great! The bridge looks great when lit up. They should always keep it like that.
  • We get to see LaForge outside the dark bridge for the first time. She’s pretty good looking!
  • I really liked the theme of Riker, having lost a son, trying to play it safe, and Picard, never having the option to take the risk to know his, wanting to go on offense. I agree with the above that the last scene wasn’t handled well though.
  • Honestly I actually enjoyed this episode. The emphasis on family bonds. The blood trail, both metaphorical and literal. The space fight. The older, wiser Worf. 17 seconds in the turbolift. It worked for me.

Any speculation on what Jack’s vision of Seven could mean?

While unconscious from the poison gas, Jack has a strange vision of Seven with branches about her. “Connect the branches,” she says.

I suspect it’s just information that the audience doesn’t have yet. Something from Jack’s past maybe.

It’s also out of character for Picard. TNG Jean Luc would have talked this bounty hunter down and de-escalated.

I’m wondering if the writers of this show ever watched Star Trek before?

Yeah, that and the end when Riker threw him out of the bridge (which makes me wonder if Riker is a changeling) really threw me out of it.

Worf was the best thing about this episode, bar none.

Yeah, it’s ridiculous. Unfortunately, Gates McFadden gets the worst of it, making her character end up looking high maintenance and borderline bonkers. Picard has always been a character about making sacrifices in the name of responsibility, and she’s already seen him act as a surrogate father to one of her sons. It’s simply not believable she would think he shouldn’t be told because he wouldn’t settle down.

Hard agree. It was so dumb, but this show seems to be continuing the TNG trend of making their female characters potted plants. I mean we saw Troi for what, 20 seconds?

Absolutely agreed. Secret son is the dumbest aspect of an otherwise great season so far. Rehash from TOS movies, not in character. Would have been better to have a better excuse for Beverly to cut contact from JLP other than “you’re gonna get yourself killed someday” and to have the son known, but have JLP not know it was his kid.

TNG Jean Luc would have just surrendered.

Someone hasn’t read any interviews with Terry Matalas. :)

While i agree the execution is a bit sloppy at points (final scene of ep 3, especially), I think the idea is that time has changed these people. Riker has had kids, and lost one. JLP went through the whole post-Romulan exodus scenario, the android crap, etc. and finally tried to have a quiet life. Time has changed these people, so we wouldn’t expect them to react the same way they would have 25 years before.

I believe the implied point here is that the characters are acting in dumber, less interesting ways.

Well it was not bad enough to kill the season like the previous season but there was several things I did not like at all. The contention between Riker and Picard was poorly done and made little sense. The exchange between Beverly and Jean Luc was cringe worthy. There was some good though. Worf was great and will probably single-handedly redeem the weak Raffi arc. The changelings make for a good enemy. Now lets see if they can write the story around the changelings without screwing it up completely.
I am cautiously optimistic so far but this thing is on the brink of going off the rails.

Old people, AMIRITE?

This is the attitude of the writers, you think?

Jeezus K. Christ, so much this, on so many rewarmed franchises.

I’m pretty sure Hanlon’s Razor is in effect here.

The writers aren’t writing Picard as dumb because they think old people are dumb, they’re writing Picard as dumb because the writers themselves are dumb.

The streaming network channel writers all seem to be brain-dead chimps writing sub-par fan fiction. Is this because they work cheap (with Cheapness being next to Godliness when it comes to all labor these days)? They’re good on the casting couch? Nepotism? Or is the pool of good writers much smaller than anyone has ever realized, and with the insatiable need to to pour content into these channel’s maws leading to just anyone being hired as long as they put the right words on their 1-page resume?

I mean, this shit was like semi-amusing when it was SyFy doing Sharknado or whatever, but now it seems all these streaming channels are basically following the SyFy model of spitting out shit that even Roger Corman would do a double-take at. (And at least Corman’s stuff included lots of tits and blood, which can make up for garbage writing).