Pillars of Eternity

Planescape:Torment. God what a shit game!

Who made you the judge of what kind of games belong in the current gaming landscape? You are a decent writer but your arrogance makes you intolerable, I get that you have your preferences, but stating them as facts and insulting people with other views calling them hipster gamers makes you sound like a total douchebag.

/shrug. Witcher for me, suffered from horrible combat and movement, to the point where I lost interest in it every time I tried to play. POE suffered from the typical D&D problem of being one shot at low levels unless you managed to pick the exact skill set that would prevent it. In general the balance, scaling, and timing was bad, and felt forced into a combat style that didn’t gel at all with the mechanics of the skill system.

The reality is, both games had huge gaping holes mechanically, that get glossed over by whatever tolerance you happen to posses. Some people love minutiae, some people hate it, there’s plenty of room in the world for every permutation of design. As they used to say in the car business, there’s an ass for every seat.

TLDR: They both sort of sucked in various ways, which doesn’t preclude you from loving them if you have the tolerance for that particular shortcoming.

Switching gears a bit, has anyone seen or played anything of the console version? As dumb as it may sound, I’m wondering if this would be fun to play again on my HDR TV in 4K?

Bieber? That hurts :) Besides just being a little mean, I’m going for;

Ad Hominem
Bad Analogy
and maybe some Straw Man.

See this link below:


My less good parties often murdered him for his armor.

You are truly soulless! The curse is real!

Wait, the backer NPCs drop gear?

I didn’t buy a Holy Avenger and Vorpal Sword for nothing. Did I?

Most people do in the game. Typically just regular stuff, but Desslock has plate before you can get it iirc so he… uh… get’s murdered in the corner sometimes.

That’s hilarious! I never even thought to murder Desslock! Maybe I need to do a Desslock murder run!

Maybe I meant open! The experience is much tighter in BG2, still.

Wow, I tried to make him a cool NPC, and instead I just made him a prize turkey.

So uh, where does the Desslock NPC hang out? Asking for a friend.

I had no idea about this Desslock strategy! Where do we murder him? Find him, I mean. Find him.

This has a TON of useless text and exposition ;)

You have no idea how many times I’ve tried to kill that bastard, just out of spite. :D

He’s happy to have the attention heh

So I decided to give this one more shot and picked it up yesterday on Xbox one. Put about 6 hours in so far.

Controls work well put load times really break immersion. Its not that they are THAT long but that there are so many of them. Every little floor for each building. Each floor in dungeons. And on the main map. And there doesn’t seem to be any caching of previous loads - go back through a door you just came out of and the load time is exactly the same. Really badly optimised in that area.

I’m considering stopping playing altogether as I’ve heard the load times just get worse.

I really don’t understand why consoles aren’t using SSD’s, honestly.