Pioneers of Pagonia [early access] - spiritual successor to The Settlers from the guy who designed it

It’s out in EA. Any impressions? I think I’ll hold off for now as there are still some major systems/buildings missing it seems.

Release (ahem) trailer:

Dev stream of demo build:

I recall the demo feeling a little bland, but I am sure by 1.0 this will be a must own game.

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“Pioneers of Pagonia will be in Early Access for at least 6 months, maybe longer depending on what we learn.”

Looks really lovely in those videos. It’s kind of soothing just to watch those little people scurrying around from place to place.

I played this (maybe the same content as the demo) for the IGF. It’s got a solid foundation for a city builder, and has a very impressive non-gridded building system on landscape of varied elevation (like Setters 7 and Tropico, but this felt a touch more advanced). It also looks very nice, creating a sense of a coherent, true-to-life village that not all city builders pull off. At the same time, it plays out in a pretty generic way, and it was hard to discern any unique qualities in the systems. It doesn’t really have a hook, except maybe that it’s in the tradition of the Settlers series–you do project autonomous explorers or surveyors out across the map, which I recall being a thing in the classic Settlers, right? I didn’t play them a ton.

I think it’ll definitely be worth checking out by the end of Early Access to see if they captured something unique and compelling besides just the core features of the genre. I’m not jumping to get in with the EA (unlike how I felt after playing the Against the Storm demo).

Oh, for sure, the main hook is that it’s more like The Settlers than the most recent Settlers game.

I bought it and it took forever to load and had to kill the task several times. It did load eventually.

Played with it a few minutes. Looks pretty. There doesn’t seem to be a building rotate key which I think I would prefer (you rotate by moving the mouse around). I will play with it a bit more on the weekend. Tutorial seems to be minimalistic but they do have a tasks box to follow.


Anno streamer Taka picked this up, if you’re curious how it’s coming along:

I guess people wanted co-op? :expressionless:


Dozens of people? ;)

Probably. :) But the Anno series often does co-op, so I don’t think it’s unheard of for the genre or anything!

I’m sorry but…

every.single.time. i read this as Pioneers of Patagonia, and i think it’s a cool South American settlement thing.

Wait, you mean, it isn’t?