PlayStation Now coming to PC

PS Now kind of reminds me of Gametap: extended demos of a bunch of different games I’d never want to purchase or play through to the end. Except PS Now is streamed, which still isn’t ideal.

The problem I have with monthly fees is I feel like I need to set aside a block of 3 months to play everything possible and then never touch it again. I’m never going to have that block of time because there are too many other more interesting games coming out all the time.

The client is now out in Europe. Here are the actual minimum requirements. The ones posted abbove are actually the “recommended” specs.

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 (Service Pack 1), 8.1, 10


Sound Card: Yes

Free Space: 300 MB

CPU: 1.33 GHz Quad Core Intel Atom

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 3000

Pardon me if this is stupid:

Do I need to purchase games in addition to paying the subscription fee? Do I lose access to my purchased games if I stop subbing?

You don’t purchase games. There’s a subscription that includes unlimited access to 300+ games for as long as your subscriptions lasts. I think individual games may also be rented for terms of between 2 and 30 days for non-subscribers.

Neato! This is actually kinda cool, then.

Sadly, it looks like a lot of the PS3-era JRPGs I’d be interested in (because they didn’t get X360 or PC releases) aren’t available, with the exceptions of Disgaea 3 & 4 and White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2. To be fair, might be worth subbing briefly just for those, but then I read that it requires a PS4 controller to play, too. Blah :(

Still, cool that it’s available!

Reportedly it works with other controllers as well. You need a DS3 or DS4 for games that use six-axis controls but people on NeoGAF are reporting they can use other controllers otherwise.

Oooo, nice! That actually improves the prospect a lot.

Especially since none of the JRPGs I’m interested in use the controls, according to this list:

Mind, I’d like to play Ratchet and Clank someday, but not that much :)

Red Dead Redemption? Would be nice to be able to revisit it.

Note that there is a subset of games on PS Now that aren’t included in the subscription (ie: timed rental only). Looking at the list though, none of them are what I’d consider must plays, and all the first party stuff is in the subscription price.

That is a pretty awesome thing.

As someone who wants to play some of the PS3 back catalogue, but doesn’t want to buy a nice TV quite yet to do so, this is appealing. Have to see the game’s list, though, and know it works as intended.

I think it’s an important feature. Yes. If implemented, it should be foolproof and it should be as good as the original hardware like it is on the Wii U.

The fact it didn’t exist on PS4 and Xbox One took me out of buying those systems until much later than I would have otherwise. I still don’t have a One.

That said, I have always said that playing on original hardware is best. Emulated SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Neo Geo… nothing compares. It’s never quite the same.

You know, everyone has that one thing…

Sony can take Playstation Now and shove it up their asses. It is bullshit that they have a way of delivering games we’ve bought on PSN but insist on charging outrageous fees to do so… after we have already paid for the game.

How much is it per month? Has that been said upstream and I missed it?

The PS3 was such lame hardware relative to Xbox 360, the memory limitation and intense difficulty of coding on its wacky custom CPU was so crippling for the platform. I don’t have much interest in anything except the rare PS3 exclusives that are considered “best of all time on any game platform”.

PSNow is currently $20/month, or 3 months for $45. If we need to invest in hardware like that Dual Shock adapter, then it needs to be factored into the cost. Could still be a good deal compared to buying a PS3 + games.

I was always leery of OnLive’s ability to handle fast-paced games though. Has anyone used PSNow on the console?

Ni No Kuni
Dragon’s Crown
Tales of Xillia 1 & 2

Not to mention the whole slew of classics that I bought on PS3.

I just hate the fact that the only move that they have made in this direction is rental/subscription. Meanwhile I have Red Dead and Dark Souls 1 on the Xbone

Edit: Oh and how could I have mentioned Dark Souls without mentioning Demon Souls.

I really wish Ni No Kuni and the Tales of games were on this service. It’d make an awesome bday present to myself, if so!

Cliche ridden anime RPGs? I would rather carve my own eyes out with a rusty spoon. Wait, what I meant to say is I don’t care for that type of game.

So for someone like me who does not own a PS3/4:

Am I missing anything?

Still have my 360 wireless controller, so I suppose I could use that instead. (Probably too much to hope for Steam Controller or m/k support.)

My own interest may be limited to the Nathan Drake series and The Last of Us, in which case I’d be paying $116.98 max to play four games for three months. I think I could live with that, especially since I may very well get sucked into the other content.

A big plus is at least you wouldn’t have to wait for system updates like you did with the actual hardware. The UpdateStation 3 was a pain in the arse for that.