Please help my wife just walked him with half her family and served me papers

Jeff, remember that love is a verb. It is a thing you do. And no matter what she says, it is not what she is doing.

God I am so sorry you are going through this.

What kind of stuff?
Hopefully just things like her clothes and personal items.

Yes just clothes and other personal items.

I am so exhausted.

Rest, dude.

I’m so sorry, Jeff.

Just getting past this part is a victory.

Might have a touch of pneumonia. It’s been 4 days since I’ve been able to inflate my right lung all the way and my Oxygen sats are down. Kept thinking with enough treatments and percussion it would fix it, but the gnawing pain there hasn’t subsided. Managed to get a ride for x-ray, but still waiting on results. The CF clinic is so awesome. I told them I absolutely could not be hospitalized because of what that would do to my family. So if I need IV antibiotics they will send a visiting nurse to my home to access my port, and do the entire initial workup here. Then I’ll manage the rest myself.

That’s terrible!

But that’s great! Glad there are folks who can help out with those issues.

Okay, but please take care of yourself, man.

Oh gosh Jeff, just saw this. What a complete mess, and what terrible timing! Thinking of you, buddy.

Jeff, you have a wonderful heart, man. Everything you wrote here makes me want to tell you to look past her words. Jennifer, words aside, is not feeling bad for you in the way a spouse would. She, again words aside, no longer cares about your situation.

Deep down you need to know that. Put on your game face, deal with her as you can but focus on YOU, your future and family. Her actions undermine her words of sympathy and show she is not in the same place anymore, with you and concerned for you. Don’t feel bad for her in spite of anything. We all reap what we sow. She’s created a bad situation and is making it worse with her family issues. For once in many, many years, not your problem.

Focus on you, Jeff.

This x200. It’s not noble to sacrifice yourself on the altar of other people’s needs, it’s foolish and self-destructive. Take care of yourself so you have the energy and generosity of spirit to help people with their needs. There is indeed a difference.

Hey folks,

I’ve created a GoFundMe for Jeff, to make it easy for us to help him through the financial part of the challenges he’s facing, at least.

I know it can be a tough time of the year, but if you’re not in a position to contribute financially, just spreading the link on social media can be huge help in making a GoFundMe successful.

This wasn’t Jeff’s idea; I saw @Hiredgoons mention a GoFundMe uptopic and thought it was a great idea, and I had the account and experience from setting one up for another friend that helped her, and I’m hoping we can do the same for Jeff. So I reached out to Jeff for some pictures and some info and here we are.

Doesn’t his wife get half of it?

I am not a lawyer, but I believe that, since he was served divorce papers and they are now living separately, any property split should be of possessions/moneys they mutually had up to the split. That’s how it worked with my divorce.

These donations are clearly and explicitly being solicited for Jeff and Jeff alone.

I think we need to get Jeff’s legal counsel to weigh in on this one.

Yes, I agree. State laws about marital assets vary, and in my own divorce everything was part of the marital assets until the divorce was finalized. Nothing was exclusive the property of either party.

Meh. Even if, ultimately, she has a right to half of the Go Fund Me (which I doubt but I am definitely NAL), I’m still fine with donating so that Jeff’s immediate needs are attended to.

Well, technically the money is going to Denny anyway, as the creator of the GoFundMe, correct? So, even though it is for Jeff, it is not Jeff’s asset. Or are GoFundMe’s set up to directly benefit the, er, final beneficiary?

True, and it’s possible Denny could use the money on behalf of Jeff. For example, Denny could pay the lawyer directly from the fund.

But again, Jeff’s lawyer will need to weigh in.