Portal 2 Announced

There are several people who simply will not be able to function in a co-op mode like this without getting pissed at player two for impeding progress. If the complaints about Super Mario Bros Wii are any indication, a second player who isn’t as skilled at the platform aspects of this game are going to ruin player one’s fun, if player one is the type that takes their gaming way too seriously.

Although some people can have a lot of fun and laugh off funny mistakes, there’s always that segment that just won’t have fun in this fashion.

“Look, we’ve both done things you’re going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us… for science. You monster.”

Yay, GLaDOs as well as excellent writing is back.

I just don’t like Valve’s attempts at cute sidekick characters. It’s just so transparent. I didn’t like Dog and from the looks of it, won’t like this camera dude either.

Meh, I’ll tolerate it, but leave the side kicks to Disney or super heroes.

So, what you’re saying is that assholes won’t like it? You’re right - more games need to be tailored to the all-important cockmonger demographic.

Those new graphics are gorgeous! It looks so good, the textures are much better than other Source games. I can’t wait to see the next half-life with these graphics.

“I think we’ve both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.”

Yeah, screw the gameplay, I’ll buy this just for another date with GLaDos.

On the other hand, it takes pretty much the entirety of “Still Alive” and fires it out of a non-canon. “I’m so happy for you”, my ass.


Well, not the entirety. I mean, she’s still alive.

I always interpreted all of that as psycho-ex “No really, I’m happy for you.” I didn’t think it was sincere.

Even though you broke my heart and killed me. And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire. As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you.

Of course. I don’t know how the hell anybody would think otherwise.

Yikes. Unsettling glimpse into Zylon’s psyche…

But GLaDOS said “I’m being so sincere right now.” If we can’t trust GLaDOS, who can we trust?

Black Mesa?

That was a joke.

Man, the game is looking great. Love how you can create a portal next to a vacuum pipe and tear off the wall panels! The (fake) liquid stuff was also impressive.

Agreed, the new variety of puzzles is nice and all that, but i already laughed with all the jokes and one liners there is in the preview video!
It’s a pity that so few people try to combine comedy and videogames.

But she’s being sooo sincere! She even said so!

Yes, durr, I know that GLaDOS lies and lies and lies some more. That’s exactly what made Still Alive awesome… that after an entire game of lying, she sings a lovely, utterly truthful song. A song that reveals that everything she’s been doing has been, from her perspective, done with the noblest of self-serving intentions.

It’s a classic dramatic device-- you firmly define a character, then have them suddenly behave in a way which at first seems to be out of character, but which ultimately serves to enrich, not contradict, what’s been established. Or at a much simpler level, it’s like when Silent Bob finally speaks.

So, retconning Still Alive to just another one of GLaDOS’s many lies degrades it from candy-coated awesome to merely amusing. IMHO.

Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.

I hope Portal 2 will have more varied environments. I liked the Portal environments, but I really liked it especially towards the end when it started looking different.

For science. Sucker.

It’s a classic dramatic device-- you firmly define a character, then have them suddenly behave in a way which at first seems to be out of character, but which ultimately serves to enrich, not contradict, what’s been established. Or at a much simpler level, it’s like when Silent Bob finally speaks.

So, retconning Still Alive to just another one of GLaDOS’s many lies degrades it from candy-coated awesome to merely amusing. IMHO.

Seriously honey, give me one more chance.

I can change.
