Post your pet!

This is why I don’t game very much anymore. Turn around and I have two bored kittens staring at me. Poor Issabelle had to hunker down on the modem for warmth to survive the cold. (It was 74 degrees in here.)

Paging @Giles_Habibula to hurry up and post. :-)

Might want to take her to the vet and make sure she doesn’t have a urinary tract infection.

Dumb question maybe, but can I put this pad on top of the pillow in her crate? Or should I remove the pillow? (Putting it under the pillow would be pointless.)

Okay will do.

Wow, those are pretty cats! The color just makes them look even more cuddly.


Man, very sorry to hear this for Harry. Its rough for doggies and owners too. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for him!

Be very careful. Never assume a cat looks or wants cuddling. Cats will tell you when you are allowed to think they are cuddly. These cats appear to be plotting to cause harm to LeeAbe for attention atrocities.

#remindme Do a health check on @LeeAbe tomorrow.

Do you put the pad in the wash machine after it’s been used? It looks like some of them are disposable.

Bombs, the one sitting (her pound name was Bombay and I never came up a good name and Bombs just kind of stuck), is always bored. Trying to keep her entertained is a full time job. Issabelle, the one sitting on the modem (who I really call Rabbit, because she loves to run) is the sweetheart, but shes always looking for heat.

Bombs would definitely do harm to me if she could. Just for fun.

When I had cats, they would eventually corner me when they wanted actual attention. When you’re pooping is a common time. Also when working from home, on an important call or doing a WoW raid, things like that.

But when you’re actually on the couch or bed and they are laying beside you? Nope! No touch, kill!

That is exactly my cats. Rabbit is extremely affectionate every morning right when I need to leave for work. But I am sitting here now doing nothing because Bombs wouldn’t let me game in peace, and they are off in other rooms.

I loved my cats but they are like troll pets. “Hey man, let’s go mess with Lee, hes gaming again, LOL.”

I had one that repeatedly would wake me at 5 in the morning to be fed. He didnt give a F about my sleep pattern. Any attempt by me to prevent him from waking me he found a way around. Its things like that which make you realize cats are roommates, not pets. If they weren’t so darn cute and cuddly(and deadly,) it would be easier to treat them like roommates.

Our cat is a pain in the ass. I love my dog. The cat can run off and join the circus for all I care.

One time we were gone for 26 hours, left plenty of food and water out, clean litter, etc. We come back and the cat had shat a couple of turds and left them in the hallway next to the front door in protest of our being gone. Evil little thing. I’m glad it’s not one of those oversized Maine Coons. It would probably attack me.

Just imagine something like this turning on you!

I had a coworker friend who had one, a male. He was ungodly big and she would let him out to roam around when he wanted. He fought (and probably won) against a ton of other neighborhood animals. He would always return with battle scars and whatnot, so the vets knew him well. But with her and anyone that came over he was as gentle as a lamb. He loved to be picked up, flopped around and pet any time you felt like it. Very docile and submissive while in the house.

But man he was enormous. So. Much. Fur. Everywhere.

OMG you guys it’s happening!

Wow, just wow.

You have buddies.

My two cats have lived with each other for like years and years and the best they’ll do is ignore each other.

It’s not 100%, but it’s progress!

Gizmo. Ah… mlem.

That is the most gremlin-esque canine I have ever seen.

He thanks you perceptive human. :)

“Bob, if I never have to speak to you again, it’ll be too soon. I hope you rot over there in that sun spot. Also, could you cover your poop once in a while or is that too much to ask?!? Jerk.”