President Trump Optimism thread

Yeah because wanting free health care and college equates to the same thing as shipping brown people out of the country. One core group is significantly worse than the others since only one is half a step from lining them up and shooting them.

He hasn’t even been tested yet. Shrub has 9/11 and Virginia Tech and Katrina.

Obama had BP and Sandy Hook and other dark days.

I’m just waiting for him to do something stupid that makes the Middle East blow up and he has to deal with it.

I won’t argue that, but my point wasn’t about comparing ideology but rather about how difficult, near impossible, it is to move certain blocs of people away from their beliefs.

So, um…we gonna talk about how after Trump told folks that he wasn’t that interested in going after weed smokers on the campaign trail that now he’s reversed course and the DOJ is going to go after recreational pot states?

Because that seems like one that’s going to hit one of his core constituencies right in the nads.

Also we should probably discuss the President’s Chief of Staff allegedly asking the FBI to back off an ongoing investigation.

“Better lawyer up, Reince” -signed HR Haldeman

The Republicans will ‘investigate’ it in 1 day, declare it a mistake and that he was totally not allowed to have a second helping of dessert and then spend a billion dollars investigating all these paid provocateurs.

A whole lot of fucking idiots who thought they’d be the one magical group Trump would keep his promises toward are hopefully heading toward mild self reflection.

Same goes for 4chan nerds who support net neutrality and internet privacy.

That 4chan group is specifically STRONGLY pro-legalization. I might go head to the other side the of the tracks, see if they’re discussing.

Stay safe

It’s not that weird to find alt-right political 4chan or 8chan posters that consider weed ‘degenerate’ like liberalism, feminism, gay rights, etc. Something for SJWs and hippies. They want traditional family values: traditional gender roles, race roles, etc.

Not the majority, but I bet the a lot of the rest will consider it a minor concession by Trump so he can focus on the important things with his political capital – like keeping the dark skinned people out of the country.

It has been three hours. Should we send search parties for @triggercut?

Because 6800 nuclear warheads aren’t enough. Maybe we can make them gold plated too.
What a fucking putz.

Well, he has Trump steaks, Trump water, Trump degrees. Why not Trump nukes?

On the plus side, “Trump Nukes” will probably just be gold plated aluminum tubes, so they won’t actually affect nuclear policy in any way.

Good point. Just like everything else fraudulent about the current POTUS.

I feel like every moment of optimism starts with something horrible that happens. I was writing this up in the 2016 claimed America thread, but I’m moving it here.

So this happened nearby:

Nothing like this happened around here, at least not on the regular, until the rise of Trump. Starting last year, like 5 fires happened in nearby mosques, and 2 of those were determined to be arson. And here’s another one. Yet, at least there’s some optimism to be had.

The people at the mosque and the community kick ass:

“Whoever did this maybe intended to discourage us not to be part of this community,” Bondogji said at a news conference later Friday morning. “But this makes us stronger than before, than ever, because of the huge amount of support and solidarity we are receiving. We are part of this community and we will stay.”

And our mayor is pretty cool:

“There are tens of thousands of Tampanians who do not happen to be Muslim but today stand with our Muslim community and say not on my watch, not in my city,” Buckhorn said. “We will not tolerate this. We will stand up in the face of opposition. We will stand up in the face of anybody who would choose to demonize anybody for any reason, specifically and directly because of their religion.”

We have a very large community of Muslims here. If you’re into hookah lounges, there are like 4-6 within 5 minutes of our university, lol. The food is never great at those places, but it’s usually pretty tasty. And that’s OK because there are a ton of good restaurants too. There is also a huge Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) branch right here too. Tons of nearby mosques and muslim centers. Our university is very forward thinking and it typically is flagged on a short list of universities that are good to attend for people coming from middle eastern countries.

So I’m not too worried about the whole thing. But, man, this Islamophobia stuff just sucks. Only takes one bad apple, etc.

We shall overcome.

Maybe we’ll see that happen when the SCOTUS rules on the gerrymandering cases this year (Bethune-Hill v. Virginia State Board of Elections and McCrory v Harris).


That can’t be right, can it?

It’s better than Tampans, which I think the mayor is trying to make sure we’re not using. :D

You’ve never heard of the Tampanian Devil?