President Trump Optimism thread

No, I don’t think this is how Obama is going to go down in the history books. He was not the demon that the right made him out to be, but he was not a great president.

He was a pretty good one, but not especially effective. He’ll rate alongside LBJ probably.

Trump is so bad, and will disgrace the office so much, he will make Obama look like one of the greatest presidents of all time.

  • I think this will be invigorating for grassroot-level Democrats, who become indolent in eras of success and fiery in eras of opposition. Would President Obama’s “Yes We Can” campaign been so successful after eight years of President Gore? Start the countdown for the 2018 midterm elections, if the country is still standing by then.

  • I’m hoping that the 19 percent of the US population that voted for Hillary will be able to make inroads to the 19 percent of the US population that voted for Trump, and possibly the other 60 percent that didn’t vote for either for whatever reason. Perhaps that means carefully explaining the basics of civics, of science, of history, of journalism, in simple but non-condescending terms. I’m thinking about my Facebook friends and coworkers that in a breath go from complaining about the lizard people that rule our flat earth to saying that even though it doesn’t matter because the Illuminati rule everything anyway but they believe that Trump will do a better job than Clinton. Maybe it’s impossible, but even the folks who say that x is the most corrupt y in history could stand to learn a little bit more about what corruption is.

  • I’ve always thought that it would be cool, or fun, to try pistol shooting. Not only that, but I bet if I start prepping for a civic apocalypse, I’ll probably get in better physical shape as a byproduct.

I hope that will hold for music too. Maybe some kind of neo-punk or third wave grunge or something. Give the kids some way to articulate their despair.

But Obama’s not only gonna be compared to Trump. He’s gonna be compared to all the OTHER guys. And sorry, but he not Lincoln, or Washington, or FDR.

Obama is essentially like Reagan, but who accomplished less of what he wanted.

Obama is a good man, and a likable guy. That’s why I feel the demonization he received is so unwarranted. And to be fair, it was that reaction which largely limited his ability to achieve his goals.

But that too kind of falls on him. He didn’t like playing the political game, and as a result he was not that effective.

A good man, extremely charismatic… but ultimately, not able to leverage that charisma in the same way that Reagan did. He was never able to win everyone over to his side, and really push forward his vision. Whether it was just due to the political climate that he held office within, or some failure at executive leadership, I’m not sure. But to pretend like he was one of the greatest presidents of all time is to place too much value upon personality rather than accomplishments.

Do you know what word is kinda new on ISIS channels?


Its Arabic for Trump. They are overjoyed at his victory.

I was actually thinking this, too. There’ll probably be some good art to come out of this.

I stay out of political discussions for the most part, but what the hell…

I was thrilled to wake up this morning to find out we didn’t have a President-Elect Clinton. That’s the best thing about a Trump win, IMO. A Clinton win would have meant basically a third Obama term, and the first two were bad enough. The last eight years have been an absolute disaster for the country; four more of the same would have spelt its doom for sure.

It was sure good to hear the 18-25 demographic stayed away from the voting booths in the numbers they did. It’s largely the uninformed and inexperienced young people that will vote for anybody who spouts all that crap like “more free stuff for everybody” and “let’s tax the rich to oblivion” and that don’t have to work for a living that have sent us down this path to 20 trillion in debt. We just need to raise the voting age to 30 and maybe things will improve. I won’t hold my breath for that, though.

Maybe now we’ll see that horrid law called Obamacare repealed and replaced with…NOTHING! That’s right! Send it back to the private sector where it belongs, only reduce the overburdensome regulation that prevented the free market from working. Maybe then we’ll finally see prices fall like all the Obama-lackies were claiming would happen with the mess we have now.

Boy, that Other Thread™ is just absolutely overflowing with crybabies and sanctimonious liberals claiming “the sky is falling” and that “all those knuckle-draggers who voted for Trump did this horrible thing to us!” Wah! It’s laughable. What a pathetic bunch of losers. And of course the lies of “racism”, “sexism”, and all the rest are just pouring out of their hateful, festering mouths; it’s pathetic. One would almost feel bad for them if they weren’t full of the hate they claim is in the hearts of those that disagree with them.

And thank {DEITY} the Demoncrats weren’t able to take the House or the Senate. That would have been a debacle. At least with the Republicans having control of Congress and the White House there’s finally a chance of some descent legislation getting passed. Not much of a chance, mind you, with assholes like Paul Ryan in there, but some anyway. Frankly I think the only hope of getting anything really meaningful done isn’t through the establishment at all, but rests with a possible Convention of States. We’ll see.

At least now we have a chance of having a Supreme Court that understands and respects the freedoms given to us by the Constitution, instead of a court that would have been happy to rubber stamp any radical executive order a President Clinton would have put forth, and further ignore the 9th and 10th Amendments. Boy how the Democrats hate freedom, except for having the freedom themselves to tell the rest of us how to live.

There’s loads more I could add, but now it’s time to walk around the office enjoying the lementing of most of my liberal (or should I say “socialist”, as it’s the same thing nowadays) co-workers!

Now that felt good! Bring on the haters! Given the obvious left-wing bent of virtually all of the posters here I expect much vitriol, but don’t expect much in return; I’ve had my say for the most part. I half expect Tom to ban me. Oh well.

Later dudes.

Thanks for emerging from your cave to insult everyone. You totally helped. Oh wait, you did nothing but brag after hiding in the background for… well, forever.

I’m willing to bet if Clinton had one you’d have never posted anything in P&R. You know, like you never really have.

I’m not even going to break down the bullshit of the post at this point, because it’s been done a hundred times before.

Not that it matters what I typed, because you obviously never read any of this thread before hopping in to take a shit anyway.

Nobody spouted those things, and it is Trump’s tax policy that is expected to add between 7 and 20 trillion to the national debt.

Thank you for dropping by, low information voter!

So what happens to the millions of people who can’t get health insurance in that system?

I mean, it works fine if you’re rich, or don’t get sick. But what about other folks?

The Invisible Hand, of course!

[quote=“Telefrog, post:72, topic:126890, full:true”]The Invisible Hand, of course!

Emergency rooms! They have to help you!! I’m sure that will be perfectly sustainable.

Local church charities! If people want hand-outs, let them get a dose of morality with it!

It’s funny, but if there is something to Area 51, Trump is the kind of person who would love to blab about it.

No, I want a serious answer to the question, not mocking. I want to know what he thinks, honestly.

Yes, please. Let’s talk about healthcare systems in the Trump optimism thread. No one ever talks about that!

I think maybe the most optimistic outcome is for folks who disagree to talk to each other honestly.


Wednesday we got word that Myron Ebell is his pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Ebell is a well-known climate skeptic who wears these credentials proudly.[/quote]