Project Zomboid

Even though it’s an RPG, you can probably view the “you will die” as more arcade like. There is an infinite amount of time you can play, as you progress it’ll get harder and harder until you can’t keep up.

Hey i can get a large pizza for $4 in some places!

Minecraft started off like this, and there is no reason they can’t release a standalone executable later too. For development reasons, especially early on, there are some enticing reasons to go with this model.

I get the irrational disdain for it though, I suffer a bit from it myself.

Jesus Christ. That soundtrack is incredible. And, just like you Guildboss, I realised how much I loved it when the singer came in over the opening credits.

Can you remap movement keys? I use waxd since wasd cramps my thumb.

It’s sooooo great. The vocals really did it for me.

Also, next patch notes:

Here we will add patch notes for next version.

  1. Added ‘speed up time’ button (return) that will (PC power dependent) speed time up by a factor of ten. Useful for skipping cut-scenes, waiting out a night when not tired, or doing Benny Hill impressions.
  2. Tweaked zombie numbers to make it less immediately punishing. Days are now safer for longer, without sacrificing the danger of nights.
  3. Added arrow keys / right shift / control keys as alternates to WASD
  4. Lowered zombie path-finding range
  5. Made zombies have a chance of getting ‘bored’ banging doors and investigate other zombie sounds, thus making it feasible to wait out zombies at the door if they don’t break it down in time and you make no further sounds.
  6. Added tutorial skip option that we’re somewhat ashamed of thinking of and will probably become infamous. You’ll see.
  7. Fixed Kate’s dragged / dead frames which weren’t working .
  8. Fixed infinite ammo bug.
  9. Player’s footsteps now make sound audible to zombies. to compensate for this zombies have less peripheral vision.

Known issues: Seems bites, scratches, bleeding and injuries are broken in the currently live build. We’ll get these sorted hopefully for this build, if not then certainly the one after.

I’m betting skipping the tutorial is killing the girl… am I right? :)

Just watching the video I can see immediately that the UI needs ways to move things into the inventory that aren’t drag, both double-click and “loot all” are needed.

I’ll be picking this up I think.

Right click to automatically loot an item should be in every single videogame that has an inventory.

That too.

You know I hate to ask… But how? My thumb doesn’t even go near those keys when I use them, you freak =P

Loving the videos Guildboss.

Cheers for killing Bobby! He got what he deserved. Damn whippersnappers running across lawns with their shotgunzombies and whatnot.

Yeah, this is looking like a day one buy for me despite my flash game hangup. There are precious few survival horror zombie type games for PC and this one is hitting all the right bullet points for me.

your thumb doesnt’ naturally rest near the x key when you have your other three on w,a,d? I think you may be the freak! Your thumb is often on the space bar for games as well. Especially in shooters where space is jump, having X as back instead of S is much easier for me.

aiming seemed really off in the video, but maybe that was the user ;)

It looks great, but definitely alpha. From reading the forums, there doesn’t appear to be much to do yet. There have been some definite amusing stories, but there isn’t much game there yet.

Space bar sure, pretty much always. And I can maybe understand x I guess. It was the thumb cramp using normal wasd that had me confused :)

I never really thought about the time I waste going from pressing W to pressing S with my middle finger. Never really considered that it might make a difference in some games.

The thing with aiming is, the moment you hold the “aim” key, your character stops moving…sometimes. There doesn’t seem to be any leeway for swiveling around with the aiming reticle up so that your character follows with it. Follow me? So you have to drop aim, move/swivel, re-aim.

Not sure if it’s a bug or by design but I either way, I would prefer to be able to hold AIM key down and at least be able to spin in a circle to acquire new targets, particularly since you get surrounded so darn easily!

I was genuinely curious, hence the smiley faces :)

I primarily play my FPS’ on consoles (along with most other kinds of games that would use that control scheme), and so never considered anything but using 3 fingers. The thumb just feels so unnatural, when I tried it after Hark mentioned it, that I had to ask.

There was a time I used LALT to go backwards, now that I think about it. Now it’s for crouch-toggle though.