PSP. Just for games?

I’ve been thinking about buying a PSP. But the $250 price tag has kept me at arm’s length. I understand you can do other things with the machine. What, besides games, do you guys use your PSP for?

These days I’m busy enough that I don’t really have time for games, so I’ve loaded up my mem card with about 10 CDs (512 MB card) and use it as an MP3 player. When I had a bit more time I’d convert videos to watch too, but that’s a bit slow, and I’ve been using my bus ride to catch up on some background reading for my dissertation.

It’s a bit bulky as an MP3 player, but occasionally I need a break at work from writing and it’s nice to have a real game there when that happens.

It was also pretty cool to have it with me for travel for movie watching and the like.

And, of course, for games.

I use mine primarily for watching videos in the gym. (And letting my son watch movies on long road trips.) Play games on it occasionally as well. ;-)

For the past few weeks, I’ve used mine almost exclusively for Hot Shots Golf, which isn’t a game so much as a lifestyle choice.


Man, if I had known that last week I would have busted out my PSP and kicked your ass.

Man, if I had known that last week I would have busted out my PSP and kicked your ass.

Whitta, it so would have been on. I had my PSP in my manpurse over to one side of the patio.


P.S. I’m not that good at Hot Shots Golf (I’ve only gotten as far as unlocking the old man and the second course). But I can trash talk with the best of 'em.

My trash-talking technique is unstoppable.

Seriously, they should just go ahead and name the sequel: “Hot Shots Golf 2: Reign of Whitta”.