Qt3 Classic Game Club: Zeus

Title Qt3 Classic Game Club: Zeus
Author DireAussie
Posted in Features
When October 11, 2014

[Editor's note: Every two weeks, we'll pick a classic game to play and discuss. Then the choice of the next game will be made by a randomly selected participant from the current discussion. It's like a book club, but with videogames. We'd love to have you join us..

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Actually, Emperor was the last of the Impressions city builder. I don't think it was as good as Zeus though. Impressions might already have been facing problems internally, since the only game they released after Emperor was Lords of the Realm 3, which could be politely described as poor.

Good pick, Zeus is definitely a classic, probably my favorite city builder. It'll be good to play through it again.

EDIT: Sorry, just read my own post, and I hate myself too for how much of a "know-it-all" I sound at the beginning. So, my apologies.

That said, it doesn't stop it from being true, so I won't change it... I'll just hate myself instead.

"those two genres [in] the Classic Game Club"

You don't sound at all like a know-it-all. No hate needed!

Let's see: brief but informative; opinionated yet engaging. Conclusion: Mercanis has the right of it.

You nailed it....perfectly...