Qt3 Discord Server/IRC/Similar?

Lovely people you should come join the Discord. Especially if you have Blood Bowl 2 or Killing Floor 2 and feel up for some multiplayer!

EDIT: Also Tom you should add the Discord info in a sticky maybe?

What’s the protocol on adding channels? For a few folks playing an EA game, for example. I note that there are only a few of each kind at the moment.

@ me on the channel and I’ll do so happily when I’m at one of my computers. can also add some people with mod powers; it’s not my intent to be the sole admin :-)

Today on Qt3 Discord, Server Outage! But what’s this??

@wumpus I am sorry you are lonely :(

All my other Discord servers are down as well, so it’s not just the qt3 one.

It’s a crazy day on Discord.

you can always use my teamspeak server if need be - mcmaster.typefrag.com pw badtown

@Becoming Yeah, it sucks for my kingdom on Utopia right now. We were trying to plan a war on another kingdom and bamf :(. Now we’ve gotta use the in-game forum, like savages!

Damn it, Armando! An early girlfriend of mine just loved that song. Played it over and over during… frisky time. I had finally forgoten it existed. Curses.

I apologize for the potentially shameful reaction I may have engendered. Mrs VR need never know of this.

She knows all about stuff like this. We talk about everything. She’s my best friend.

That’s incredibly sweet. And Queen is perfect… Always.

More of you should be in this to enjoy my random stupidity :P (Discord I mean!)

I’m there, but I’ve had the thing muted since I’ve been too damned busy.

Psst. This is for the people who aren’t in Discord yet. Not for those that are. :P

The great Discord server or the GREATEST Discord server? YOU DECIDE

That was her boudoir song? …maybe she was trying to rate your performance. ;)

Is this still active? How do I join?

https://discord.gg/v39T7 should work!