Qt3 Games Podcast: Dead Space oddity

Title Qt3 Games Podcast: Dead Space oddity
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Games podcasts
When February 13, 2013

Graham "Giaddon" Trail joins us to talk about why we love Dead Space 3. Spoilers abound, so you might want to finish the game if you care about the story. In which case, ha ha, you care about the Dead Space 3 story..

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The news that I bring up as unconfirmed has now (happily!) been confirmed: http://www.rockpapershotgun.co...

I'd love to play some co-op DS3 with you guys but I'm probably not much fun to play with especially since they introduced collectibles with this entry. You don't want to know how much time I spent floating in space looking around at stuff in that first space walk. Well, partly that was because I got lost and forgot how to activate the waypoint marker, but still.