Qt3 Movie Podcast: Monster Hunter

Since Sonic?

Chronologically, or cardinally? I interpreted “since” as ranking after Sonic, not chronologically after Sonic. IMO Sonic is ok, even good because Jim Carrey is back to his Pet Detective shtick.

Insert Admiral Ackbar meme IT’S A TRAP.

I think only two video game adaptations came out after the recent Sonic movie - Monster Hunter and the new Mortal Kombat thing. Though, if you don’t count the latter, that means Monster Hunter is the best - and also the worst - movie based on video games since Sonic. ;)

Since always has a chronological component. If I thought that Barry Bonds was the best baseball player but Babe Ruth was almost as good, it still wouldn’t make sense to say that Ruth was the best ball player “since” Bonds. In the “best since” formulation it pretty much means that X was the high water mark, but after that Y is the best we’ve seen.