Qt3 Movie Podcast: Terminator: Genisys

Much like time travel in the Terminator franchise, I make the rules up as I go along.

It's oddly endearing to me when people use Jaws as the name of the shark in Jaws. I would never do that, but I honestly find it cute when other people do that. As if by giving him a name, they somehow make him easier to comprehend. To me, he's just a primal force without a name. The shark. Or it. Or magnificent bastard. Or Bruce, which is the shark actor's name.

I will freely admit I've never read Peter Benchley's novel that the film is based on, but I've always imagined that it details a much richer inner life that the shark was leading, and its internal dialogue as it chewed its way through Amity. It may seem odd to title the book and movie with a word never referenced in either - surely this must be the name that the shark has taken for itself? I also imagine that as it swims about it talks about itself in third person. Like, "Jaws gettin' pretty HAWNgry right about now."

I like to imagine that its full name is Jawstin and its just thinking the short form sounds cooler.

I always assumed it was just short for "Josh."


This holds up! The Opsis, I mean.


Phew. Brooski hasn’t been taken over by pod people.