Qt3 Movie Podcast: Terminator: Genisys

Title Qt3 Movie Podcast: Terminator: Genisys
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Movie podcasts
When July 13, 2015

If you listen to just one synopsis this year, listen to Kelly Wand's synopsis for the critically reviled Terminator: Genisys, which we saw this week. You might be surprised at our reaction to the movie itself..

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I think you misinterpreted the conclusion to Grizzly: the point is not that the solution is low-risk because they have a bazooka, the point is that it is the ONLY solution. In other words, if you don't have one, you're doomed. I think I just raised the stakes a whole lot for any of Dingus' future camping trips.

Two weeks ago I would not have guessed that I would enjoy Terminator:Genisys so much more than Self/Less.

I kind of wish that the movie would have just been Emilia Clarke, Schwarzenegger and J.K. Simmons on the run from a terminator.

Kelly, does a line from a song from a movie which has become the defacto tagline count?

Everything counts, including just the title.

I'm with Kelly Wand here. This movie is terrible and I didn't like it. Cause instead of intense movie about unstoppable machines we've got 'Back to the Future 2' flick with guns and robots.

But I'm a strong believer that it was possible to make a solid PG13 terminator movie. Just look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It is a much better Terminator movie than Genisys. I mean, Bucky is a better Terminator than all TG machines combined. Gosh, Winter Soldier still gives me the creeps. Just listen to his theme.


Minimalistic and industrial. Just like T2 soundtrack by Brad Fiedel. And if it wasn't obvious enough, CATWS commentary track confirmed that Russo brothers were inspired by lots of awesome movies including Terminators.

P.S: thanks to VHS piracy era Russia adores Arnie, Sly, JCVD, Jackie, Chuck and other action movie stars of the 80's. So the R-rated Expendables were pretty popular here.

Remo Williams so glorious. I love that theme song.

The original ending to T4 was epic until it got leaked and they changed it ruining the film. John Connor gets stabbed through the heart and dies. The resistance is screwed and decide to slap his skin on Worthington's body. Making John Connor what he hated most. It was bad ass.

Dude, I saw Jaws 3D in the theater. I was abso-fucking-lutely stoked about it too. I still remember the early bit where Jaws eats a fish but leaves its head just floating, and the head just sort of spins and slowly floats out over the audience while its mouth opens and closes. I loved that.

Ha! You just reminded me of Piranha 3D! That made me laugh.

Then I got kind of grossed out when I remembered the thing that floats toward us in that movie...

You just guaranteed that I'm inviting you on all future camping trips.

Remember, I only have to outrun you.

I don't know what you watched but there definitely was no penis action in Terminator or Terminator 3.

Oh. Ew. Now I remember too. And I'm kinda glad I didn't catch Pirahna 3D in 3D.

Sorry Robert. Watch when he strolls up to the dudes at Griffith Observatory. It's right there, swinging in the moonlight.

I'll refrain from sending you a screenshot.

How did you know I owned a bazooka?

That was supposed to be a reply to Dingus but I am dum.

I just assumed. I'm pretty sure you can't get a driver's license in your state if you don't own a bazooka.

I was afraid that your buildup of the synopsis was going to be a colossal letdown, but then I listened and realized that kellywand CANNOT LET ME DOWN.

"If you listen to just one synopsis this year, listen to Kelly Wand’s synopsis for the critically reviled Terminator"

What a heart-warming sentence that is. I can't wait (except I guess I'll probably wait and see the movie first). Maybe the movie will be good, but if not, I know I'll have that opsis waiting for me at the end, so nothing can go wrong.

Everything counts? I'm going to hold you to that KellyWand.

I hadn't noticed it before but Arnold is flopping around when he is walking over to Bill Paxton.