Quarter To Three Movie Club - October 2018 Film is Tokyo Story - Spoilers Allowed!!

Heh, yeah it’s a bit idiosyncratic for sure. On the one hand there is definitely a forward affection for genre film here. And a treating of them far more seriously than, for example, your Roger Eberts of the world used to.

Conversely there tends to be an indercurrent of distaste or even outright disdain for your ‘Oscar Bait’ type films, where the community here is far more critical of a, say, The Kings Speech.

Coupled with the film podcast crews deep connection and love for cinema and it definitely creates above average visibility for certain types of films. I mean Moon was one of the first nominees (I approve strongly too, great choice). But I’d wager that if you asked the average film goer at a theater if they even heard of it, let alone seen it, the response rate is probably 5-10%.

Just my perspective as a guy who has only seen maybe 5% of the picks in the frame game (why I love when @Navaronegun get the conch, I feel like I have a chance!) and heard of maybe 10-15%, and almost 0% of your choices ;)

Also, yeah, when I picked The Dark Knight @rhamorim I knew it wouldn’t go past the 60, and figured there was strong chances of it going in the 20. But it’s hard to find movies I’ve seen that haven’t been done (and are also available to get screens of)

Ooooh, great pick. Wouldn’t mind seeing it again at all.

This is true. Most of the forum, including The Horror Inflator…I mean @tomchick… treat horror, grindhouse, splathouse whatever, with far more reverence than I do (which is none). I grade them with no curve; but with other films. But that is the thing these days overall on the interwebs; to look at shoddy exploitative flicks from the 70s and 80s and call them lost artworks (see Red letter Media’s Jay). To me, there is no special place. A film is a film. Heck, I think DePalma is a pastiche-merchant, let alone Cosmotos.

Oh and @anonymgeist, I just saw it and want to see it again…almost need to.

And @Skipper …perfect. I know @ChristienMurawski and @marquac would be overjoyed (I think he’s made gifs of Anderson’s whole oeuvre).


So as of 1730 EST Wednesday, 03 OCT 2018, the nominations are:

The Castle of Sand

Ip Man

Tokyo Tribe

The Hallelujah Trail

Tokyo Drifter

In the Mood for Love

Mary and Max

Tokyo Story


The Emperor of the North

The Passion of Joan of Arc

The Royal Tenenbaums

Army of Shadows

Oh, and Chupacabra Terror. …from a troll.

If you want to posit a film for Movie Club, get your nominations in! Nominations cease and voting begins on THU 04 October 2018.

Phantom Of the Paradise is uneven but worth it, and Dyonisus in '69 is a blast and pretty special (although one could say he was more of a cameraman than a director there).

But for those two… yeah little appreciation for DePalma here too.

Isn’t that EVERY DePalma movie? Ladies and Gentlemen…I give you the acting Three Mile Island, only achievable when DePalma meets:

Dyonisus is an student project (or something like it) where he filmed an amazing play. But he didn’t direct the play, so he only recorded and edited.

The movie is amazing anyway.

I don’t think of myself as having a particularly arthouse bent, but I have some interest in foreign and occasionally indie films and for me the point (or a big point) of a club like this is to expose people to things they probably have not seen but will at the very least have a strong reaction to. So when I nominate stuff I will probably avoid the acknowledged classics (at least, recent ones) and widely circulated blockbusters because I assume people have seen and discussed those already.

I think most of us do; and I will bet cold hard cash I won’t have to see Michael Bay or JJ Abrams in Qt3 movie club. But I do get a kick out of nominating, like, a Its a Wonderful Life in the 20:20 because its never been done. :)

Nominate it. :)

I might, but I’m not sure it’s easily available

Yeah that’s an important consideration. There’s lots of weird interesting little movies, but getting them might involve mail ordering DVDs from somewhere…

Hence Rule # 007 in the first post.


I really like the way you put this. Especially the last bit, which is why I’m simultaneously excited and nervous about it.

Also, I love your nomination. That one-sheet (poster) is on our kitchen wall, and I had a great time fielding my son’s questions about the characters pictured upon it one night during dinner. In addition to laying out the many other details on the poster.


“Oh, that’s right. We’ve got another body buried here, don’t we?”

I just saw this! Have you sought treatment yet?


I appreciate Citizen Kane, but it’s a little too reattached (which is the point, but still). Touch of Evil is far superior on my book.

I think pop is perfectly fine. I love re-watching things I’ve seen, sometimes knowing a lot more about them (like via discussion here.) It’s a bit like reading a long review after a game. You realize you missed parts of it and it makes you want to go play it again. I say go for it, Nesrie.

I had seconded the nomination for In the Mood For Love above, but I think I’ll throw my own in the ring. I’m a fan of pop too, as long as it’s good pop. And I’m a fan of Mexican directors. I’ve never seen Y Tu Mamá También, but in the interest of going for more accessibility, I’m gonna nominate Cuaron’s Children of Men.