R.I.P. Ann Heche - terrible auto accident

It’s too bad, she remind(ed?) me of Sinead O’Conner with similar life arcs. Fortunately Sinead found someone to buy her a house in Ireland where she could live in the hills in peace.

This is the truth. She was drunk driving, and quite literally driving like a maniac. It’s a miracle she only killed herself. You can’t really talk about this tragedy without addressing the actions she committed that led to it. I’m glad those around her are trying to donate her organs.

Given her drug abuse I doubt her guts would be highly desired honestly.

It’s a sad story but I have a lot of trouble separating that from the way she went down.

You’d be surprised. When I was pre-transplant I was told there was a 60% chance new lungs would come from a heavy drug abuser. But lungs won’t be something she can donate in this circumstance.

There was a woman in LA who ran a red light (I am sue the video is available), she was an ICU nurse and my original thought was she had fallen asleep. That may be true but it was he 13th accident in the last 10 years or so. Terrible accident, killed 6 people but somehow the nurse survived.

Supposedly, the nurse was drunk while arguing with her boyfriend on a video call while driving. The site posting this was some unknown thing though, so no idea how true it is. And yes there is a video of it from the gas station at the intersection.

I haven’t seen anything saying she was drunk, but she has been charged with 7 murder counts. One article I DSW questioned how she was employed with her mental health record. Employed as an ICU nurse.

How would an employer know about her detailed mental health record? I don’t think providing employers, current or prospective, with the health (including mental health) records is a good idea. If her issues led to poor job performance, sure. But I don’t get why it’s surprising that she is employed and may have a mental health record.

The history of numerous crashes is a different thing. I don’t know if she had a valid license, but I do think we’re far too lenient in the States with bad drivers.

She was apparently employed by a company that sent her out to various hospitals. So that employer was aware of her problems but not the hospitals where she worked. And the article didn’t specify what problems she had so they may not have effected her work, but I would think working in an ICU would be stressful.