Random gaming thoughts and questions

Well, I am an industry figure; and quite possibly the only one who has been pretty vocal (you should see my Twitter feed) about the on-going Steam v Epic firestorm because most aren’t dumb enough to step in the middle of that. :)

FYI it’s toward the end of the video around the 10:50 mark. When I saw the video yesterday, I was pretty surprised myself. This is the long Twitter thread where they got those comments from.

I recently started learning how to play a Tin Whistle. Did I start with Row Row Row Your Boat? Or maybe a few traditional Irish or Celtic tunes? Hell no. I started with classic Zelda songs from Ocarina of Time etc.

Watch out, ladies.

Who the hell plays with Rotating Minimap toggled on (surely nobody of reasonably sound mind)? This is one of those game options (like inverted horizontal aim) that has no business existing.

[Frowns sideways at my “Beyond Good and Evil” box on the shelf, where toggling “invert Y-axis” automatically also toggles “invert X-axis”, with no way to separate those two options.]

Many people complained about this on the game’s release, and it never got patched, thus I’ve never been able to play that game for more than a few minutes. :(

I’ve always envied those who could either play without inverting the Y-axis or could switch effortlessly between invert and non-invert. But I’ve been playing with inverted Y-axis for 26 years, and have never been able to adjust to the ‘normal’ way.

The scariest places to explore in your average suspenseful game are bathrooms. Every stall is a chance for monster-closet terror.

Monster water-closet terror?!

Nah. Just use “crouch” and look for feet.

Or tentacles.

Is there a secret code being conveyed when the stall’s occupant slaps a tentacle twice on the floor?


Are you suggesting lewd conduct unbecoming of a monster?
What would that even look like?



私達の持つ共通点の一つとして、自己表現への強い意欲が あると思います

I feel like I’m at a Blizzard Nintendo board meeting.

That’s Japanese.

oh, you got it.

I noticed just as you were pointing out my failure to navigate Google translator.

The kanji is the same, not same meaning but visually, but the katakana and hiragana mixed in there is the giveaway.

The only thing I know about what you said is that Anime games have a lot of scantily clad women and effiminate men.

Just beware of the wide stance.