Real-Time Strategy all purpose discussion thread

New patch for Star Wars Expanded Fronts

Still not sure I can get past the graphics though.

Yeah, for Star War RTS I would probably fire up Empires at War, or wait for the inevitable Star Wars mod that will appear at some point for Sins of a Solar Empire 2. Galactic Battlegrounds never really hooked me back when it came out.


For some reason, this is still going on…

Wtf dude?

In my defense, it’s been over a decade. I just want a WBC 4 already.

By the way, Protectors is crazy. I played it a bit 5 or so years ago and the changes were massive. This time… watching that video. It’s a whole new game.
I’m down for it, but man do I want better graphics.

A mod for a game that’s old enough to vote in I think most countries (in mine at least)?

That’s really cool. A stand-alone fan mod of Warlords Battlecry 3? Very cool! Does it have a single player campaign yet?

Edit: It sounds like it does!


Well, if you give it a go, let us know!

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Great War: Western Front - WWI RTS, Petroglyph

Where is Battle for Middle-earth 3?

I may be wrong, but I believe the IP eventually made its way to DICE, so . . .

It reminded me of Myth as well, when I watched the trailer today for the game coming to consoles soon.

But then I looked at the Steam page, since the game has been out for a while on PC, and it looks it has mixed reviews. That doesn’t bode well.

I’m surprised we haven’t heard anything from Microsoft about the Age of Mythology game since the original announcement.

Nothing about Age of Mythology Retold except that it will use the Age of Empires 3 engine, and that some changes will take place.

Although, I doubt they will remove the atlantians, so I am curious about the changes.

Yeah, I watched a bit of a video yesterday where Nakamura_RTS was saying that they are using the AoE3 engine. I wonder if that is due to World’s Edge familiarity with the engine vs the AoE4 engine, not having rights from Relic to use the AoE4 engine, or if there is a technical reason they are choosing it.

Well, the Age of Empires 3 engine is based on the Age of Mythology Engine.

So it should be similar.

I would like to change the Town Center Mechanic to more like Age of Empires 1 through 4

Blizzard have finally cut the price on Warcraft 3: Reforged for one of their sales:

Hmm, not showing with the link, but the price is $14.99.

Is good?

It sounds like things have been going better recently with some team actually working on fixes, and some new features like automated tournaments which I guess was added recently. There was a lot of disappointment at launch because it seemed very scaled back from what was presented in 2018, then a lot of long time players didn’t like the graphics changes, and some bugs made a rough launch. The EULA they added for creations made with the custom game editor to be able to benefit from the next DOTA someone creates with their tools also rubbed people the wrong way. People are out there playing it still though, and it is still WC3 so I imagine it is worth $15.

Someone else might have a better answer though. I’ve never really clicked with the hero/creeping bits so I haven’t played it as much as other RTS games I like.

Edit: Apparently modders have been doing some nice work:

Planetary Annihilation still continuing along, and I guess we now know what the people that continued to work on it after they parted ways with Uber. In the inbox today is:

So uh, Factorio and PA had a baby?