Realtek AC97

I’ve been having BSOD in Windows 7 and getting the stop code 124. I know this is related to either my Soundblaster X-FI or my on-board sound. I thought I disabled my onboard sound, but to be safe I yanked the Soundblaster out, but still getting the BSOD. When I check my msconfig, I see this Realtek thing, but can’t figure out what it is for. Is this the driver for my onboard audio? I guess my Google-fu isn’t so hot as the only info I can bring up is drivers, not what it actually is.

Anyone else have this?

Its the driver for the onboard sound. My wifes computer has the same thing, however she hasn’t ever BSOD from it. I think it has other audio controls in it as well as just being a driver though.

But I don’t really tinker with it at all so that’s about all the assistance I can give.

Either disable on-board sound in the BIOS if possible, or else search on the motherboard maker’s website for updated drivers. That should/might help if the crashes are caused by the Realtek sound chip.