Reccettear: An RPG Item Shop Simulation

The first dungeon was not too bad, I thought. My second trip to the dungeon I got smashed.

There is bread and a couple other things to restore health. I believe you can by them at the Bazaar. Magic/Special Ability points can be regained by that blue ooze poop you get off the slimes.

It is just about the last key I tried, ya know, cuz’ it is all the way down in the left-hand corner. :)

The localizer dudes say they want to make as few changes to the game as possible and stick to that. They changed some dialog that did not translate well and changed some cultural references. They said the only think they would take out would be naughty bits or something that would get it banned. Neither of those are in the original.

The controls originally tripped me up too. But then I did a strange thing, I peeked at the installation files and opened “Manual.htm” - problem solved.

Since it’s a Japanese game, I’m guessing it involves tentacle monsters and schoolgirls.

  • Gus

Neat game. I got through the first dungeon and the first 7-8 levels of the second dungeon. Probably something I’ll pick up.

… Damn, that sounds awesome. Filing that next to Xenonauts in my “indie projects I’d like to see come to fruition” mental category. :)

Really enjoyed the demo, although the ramp up of abilities in the demo (buying, suggesting items) happened so late in the game, that By Day 8 I was scrambling to make my loan payment and couldn’t but think I would have been able to pull it off had I been able to buy items really low and also suggest items from the get go. Going to try it again. I stupidly loaded up my adventurer with stock from the store and proceeded to get trounced, causing me to lose almost all of my stock. In the end, I was only short by $2000 pix, and that gear that I lost probably would have made the difference.

It was a little cutesy, which is fine, but I have little patience for cutesy localization. I wouldn’t mind a slightly more serious toned version of this game.

With its origins in Japan, I think that is about as good as we are going to get. At least there are no scenes with hysterical characters that have their mouths wide open in a scream and their eyes squeezed together in little slits. And their bodies and eyes are relatively close in scale to what they should be.

Oh, I have no problem with Carpe Fulgar (sp?) trying to keep it as close to the developer’s original game. I guess what I am saying is that I secretly hope someone takes the idea and runs with it and makes their own version that is less cutesy.

But as far as Kawaii goes, I realize Recettear is relatively tame, and I am thankful for that. They are getting my money regardless as I am a sucker for economic sims.

Don’t worry, I’m sure in the full game, as your merchant level goes up, you will unlock new fetish focused merchant costumes to enhance your salesmanship.

I just want to know how close Recette and Tear become as the story progresses.

Close enough to share the same name! The game must be set in Massachusetts.

Seriously, this is a brilliant little game. I love the idea of a game about running a shop–especially an adventurer item shop in a fantasy RPG setting. There are a bunch of shopkeeper games on the iPhone, but most of them are really just queuing puzzles, whereas this one is more like a little business sim. It’s a little bit like the Guild, only a lot less dry and boring.

I’m not entirely sure about the dungeon element–I’d almost prefer it if they had focused more exclusively on the shopkeeper part of the game. It’s pretty decently done, though, and getting free* items to sell (and then selling them back to the adventurer characters, for fat profitz!) is pretty cool.

(*“Free” after you factor in the cost of supplies and guild fees…)

In one of the always clever RPS posts, they state something to the effect of this game would be boring if you weren’t selling swords and armor (apologies for mangling the quote).

AS long as most of the dungeon floors are relatively small as in the demo and are only 5 levels, it will be more like running around picking up Easter eggs and getting a little excited before cracking each one open.

Is this genre so niche that no one else wants to make similar games or is it the narrow mindedness of game developers? Most likely both.

Come oooooon September 10th.

It’s now up for preorder on Steam with a 10% discount. It should be on Impulse at some point too, thought it’s not showing up yet.

It’s also on Gamersgate. Picked up the Steam version, myself, since I was completely surprised by it.

Awww man, Stardock needs to get on that.

Steam has a demo for anyone interested.

This is currently the fourth top seller on Steam. I’m not even sure if that’s measured by total cash or sales count, but either way that’s great news for the game. There must be some really powerful word of mouth at work here.

Or a dearth of translated Japanese-style dungeon crawling RPGs on the PC.

That is really surprising (in a good way). I didn’t expect the cutesy graphics and non actiony gameplay to appeal to most people. Hopefully it means they can localize other similar games.