Recent air combat sim recommendations?

For some reason I never read this thread until yesterday in spite of being a big Rise of Flight fan. I didn’t even realize Wings Over Flanders Fields was a thing. Now I’ve ordered CFS 3 ($10.74 total from Amazon).

Brian likes this. ;)

Well, the un-fun trick to quick missions is that you’re engaging on equal footing, ie, both ‘teams’ know you’re there. Boom and zoom works better when you catch someone unawares and gives you a nice clean shot as you dive down on them. In a random skirmish, you might only get one pass --and that’s usually head on, a big no-no-- and then the furball is on, where you’re all turning and if your plane doesn’t turn as well, you’re at a disadvantage. You could do a lengthy extending away and hope the other planes get lured away or gets bored, but that’s not as fun, especially against AI. My advice is to keep your altitude high (don’t get suckered into long diving chases), practice the yoyo and wingover, and go after targets of opportunity that aren’t expecting you, and/or engaged with someone else, rather than a fighter that is actively engaging you (and that you hopefully have altitude over to not worry overmuch about). Or, switch to a better turning plane.

The DCS World 1.2.8 open beta is out, which adds a free, unarmed P-51 and the new, high-quality cockpit for the free Su-25T. Screenshots later.

Looks like Wings over Flanders Fields has had a permanent price drop down to $49.99. Hopefully that gets more folks biting.

I tried to bite but my credit card wouldn’t go through. Anyone else had trouble getting transactions through for either OBD software or Avangate (their card processor)?

Gah, it worked fine for me a while back, maybe they’re getting hammered? I can post something on their official forums if you’d like.

I finally bit the bullet and joined the pre-release program for IL-2: Battle of Stalingrad. Pricey way to become an alpha tester, but it’s not like I’m sinking massive dollars into other flight sims nowadays. Probably won’t get time to check it out for a few days, but I’ll post impressions.

How much was it?

Well I now own the steam version of Rise of Flight, but I’m almost afraid to start it up. I don’t know if I can afford the investment of time and neural matter required to learn how to fly again in such a detailed sim.


Yeah, twice the cost of a regular sim, but perhaps I can give some useful feedback and help it turn into a better game. Plus, worth the premium to have new metal planes to fly in something other than MSFS.

When is IL2 going to come out officially?

You must be joking! There’s a little setup involved for your joystick and some of the pilot head view buttons so you don’t start out with a narrow field of view. But after that, just choose a quick mission with any plane you own, select standard settings, and fly around until the wings come off. Then do it again without flying quite as fast.

a few more details

Choose the duel mission and put the enemy plane out as far as it goes. You’ll probably never run into him. If you want the whole map to yourself and are willing to take off, choose the Fly Now missions instead. The first few tutorial missions are okay too.

The 1.2.8 patch for DCS includes the long-awaited high-quality cockpit for the freebie Su-25T, so I put a video up showing it off, along with a demo of how they’ve tuned bombs and other HE weapons to be more in line with their real effectiveness.

Somebody seems to have sorted out rights issues on a lot of early 2000 UK games recently. Warrior Kings (an early 3d RTS) and now Eurofighter Typhoon…

Typhoon has been on DotEmu forever.

However, take a look a “kiss ltd”'s lineup ( Pretty eclectic list of shovelware there.

Apparently neither the DotEMU or the Steam version have Operation Ice Breaker either. :/

OMG, did you guys know about EF2000 Reloaded?! I just found out about it today!

It’s basically a retooled version of DOSBox that allows the game to be run with 3D acceleration and all that whatsit (which I’ve never been able to do on modern hardware).

So. SO excited to try it. EF2000 is still a favorite of mine.

Holy cats, great find Brian. This is DiD’s best work.


OMG they have one for Total Air War as well!

TAW isn’t as good as EF2000 in my opinion, but it’s still awesome. Doesn’t look like you need the disk for this one either.