ReCore - Inafune's robo-shooter

The game still crashes randomly on startup, when trying to connect to xbox live, when pushing enter to leave the title screen.

Stay far away if you’re a pc user.

Also because the game isn’t very popular, there is basically zero support.

Note that i’ve spent about 2 hours now trying to play recore (combined with issues with the windows store).

After looking through the reviews on the microsoft store, i’m certainly not the only one having problems like this.

And there is basically zero support from what i can tell. Just revolving links to useless faqs.

This game is a fucking scam.

I feel compelled to update my… “review.”

I did end up finding out why the game would crash when i pressed enter at the “press enter to continue” screen. The game hates my main xbox profile and if i pick that profile, the game will crash instantly. I had to create a brand new xbox account with a brand new outlook email (this is their strategy to expand outlook email use i guess).

I want to stress that nobody at the developer or microsoft did shit to help me. They never answered any contact attempt i made and nothing they posted anywhere was any help. There is zero support for this game.

What eventually led me to the answer was spending 4-6 hours of research. Since recore is not popular finding an answer searching for recore itself was impossible. Eventually i found the answer from a forza thread.

I’m not sure whether this is Comcept’s fault or microsoft’s fault. Likely the direct blame is microsoft since it happens in other windows 10 games as well apparently. However, as the customer i blame Comcept for this because they choose to use xbox live and because they implemented it.

Also as a developer i am ashamed by the programmers at comcept and at microsoft (specifically windows store). Every single error i encountered was a generic “something has happened” error with zero details to diagnose the problem. Even looking in the event log produced generic results of one of their libraries faulting. They took zero effort in order to help people diagnose problems during development.

Anyway, i didn’t find the answer immediately, so i tried a lot of things. One of the things i tried was uninstalling and installing again. Big mistake. Windows store left crap behind that made installing again impossible and of course the error windows store gave was the generic “something has happened” error that we all love so much. I had to manually remove the old files before it would work. I learned this from trial and error.

SO how is the game? I like it. If i experienced no problems at all, knowing what i know with about 1-2 hours in to the game, i would give it a 7.5/10. The advancement isn’t super complex, but it is interesting. The gameplay (both gunplay and jumping stuff) are fun. The story, while not Torment, is interesting. This would have been a great $40 game.

But i did experience problems and going by the support forums (which nobody answers or looks at other than despairing customers), there is a chance i might experience game breaking bugs later in the game. Given the developer’s lack of support so far, it is reasonable to assume that if there are problems later in the game, they will never be fixed. Also obviously if you experience any problems, do not expect support.

Even though i’ve only played for 1-2 hours, i already experienced a situation where a mission trigger left me stuck, forcing me to reload from a checkpoint (which thankfully was very close).

So even though i like the game, I cannot recommend it to anyone until it is very cheap. I want to reward the developer for releasing a game that i genuinely like, but i don’t want to reward them for releasing a game too early and then not supporting it. Even worse, they have done this two times in a row now.

5gb patch and demo out today.

Is it bad that i don’t even know how to update a windows store game?

Ah found it.

Game updates just happen automatically anyway


So it’s a free upgrade if you already own, but did I miss the price announcement?

edit: looks like I did, $19.99, but also coming to Game Pass.

Free upgrade! Nice.

is “reconstruction disc” or “reconstruction dx11” a better quality setting?

Is it still a Windows store exclusive? They may remaster it to be game of the century and I won’t buy it there.

Here is what is being added!

Holy crap, dying reload times were originally between 30 and 60 seconds? Yeah I’m glad I waited on this one.

It was a pretty fun game. Most of my problems were with their shit online store and shit multi-player service. Sadly I doubt they fixed either.

ReCore doesn’t have any multi-player or online services.

To clarify, i meant windows store and games for windows live.

I had a ton of problems with both when i bought my first and only game from the windows store (recore).

With games for windows live, the game would crash at startup with no real reason why from what i remember. It ended up taking a lot of research to find other people with the same problem in order to find out that somehow my save for the game on games for windows live had become corrupted and it was causing the game to crash. There was zero support for the game. I forgot how i fixed it, but it was 100% a games for windows live issue with syncing settings and/or the save.

Using the window store also led to errors installing the game, once again with no real error (i think it was the super fun something has happened).

I’m not sure how good a game would have to be for me to use windows store again. Playing it would probably have to be scientifically proven to cure cancer.

I actually work on the store services and know firsthand how rough things were last year. I wont try to justify or excuse any of those problems but I will say that we’ve fixed every major issue since ReCore/Forza/Gears/etc. launched last year and everything is worlds different under the hood now even if it might not look like much changed on the surface.

So at the very least, I won’t ask you to spend any money on something you don’t trust, but if you already own the game and didn’t previously get a refund you should give it another shot now.

Seems the update is good?

Anyone playing?

I’m glad to hear that. I always thought the game looked like it could have been cool, if it were finished (content and bug-wise). Might well pick this one up now.

I am not playing, haven’t yet bought, but I do want to. Just need to clear that backlog out a little bit more …

Same here. I do want to get it once I can at least get a few shooters off my backlog. Destiny 2, Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.