Red Dead Redemption 2 confirmed for PC

One of the rare times in my life when I feel like this.

Same here. I have everything maxed on an RTX2080 and have not had any crashes in numerous hours of play. Everything runs great at about 40fps @ 1440. Lowering a couple settings easily gets that up to 60.

Perfect. I have deleted several comments because I just had nothing to add. I wanted to commiserate with those having issues but it’s been running great for me since day one.


I’ve been on the other side of similar crap, too. But so far, so good.

On launch day, nothing worked EXCEPT updating my BIOS, of all things. I’m on one of the latest Ryzen 7 CPUs. My BIOS was only a couple of months old, but somehow the more recent update fixed the launcher error. Subsequent patches to the Rockstar launcher haven’t broken anything, so I’ve been good since my release day struggles. The launch day nonsense was honestly the first time I’ve had PC game related issues in forever.

The game is working ok for me, but I still need to keep AntiVirus off

But, I am struggling to get into the game, it really feels like I’m watching a movie. Now mind you the movie is very pretty, with good voice acting, and above average dialogue, but still it is a movie. I’m in Chapter 2 I started the mission to hunt a Grizzly bear, it goes as predicted. I’m given the option to go back with the old hunter or stick around. I choose stick around. I get through the other scripted event. Now it is time to get back to camp. Well it is long long way to get from where I am and the camp. I don’t how to fast travel and I’m not even sure to direct which trails I should take in Cineamatic mode.

I see the option to set waypoint but do you automatically go to the waypoints? I have no clue.

You have to open up fast travel. It’s not an automatic thing but a mission. This happens a lot in the game, more things open up with the missions, but at the same time, you don’t need to hurry. There’s plenty to explore, like Open World events and things to do, outside those mission.

When you get fast travel though, it will be fairly clear because it will tell you.

My least favorite part of the game are the scripted missions. I really did prefer to explore and… find stuff.

Yeah, they came so close to achieving greatness (even the missions themselves are actually fun, well-written, and entertaining by and large) but they suffer from a very problematic issue where if you don’t do the missions with the exact actions and in the exact order, you’ll fail the mission. It’s frustrating to be told to do something, and you accomplish it another way, and the mission ends because you didn’t do it the exact way the game was telling you to do it, even though you got to the same destination. It undermines the otherwise fantastic open-world gameplay.

Here is how it works:

Fast travel from stagecoaches and train stations (a wheel icon and envelope).

If you set a waypoint you will get a red navigation line on the map/minimap. You can now start down that path and hold whatever the cinematic key is to automate the travel (it’s not instant, just automates it). You can’t do that for yellow line missions.

Eventually you can invest in your camp to unlock fast travel out, not in.

This is the piece I was referencing. You have to open this up but at the same time, since I liked travel, I got to chapter 5 or so without ever using it. I like riding!

Thanks folks.

For the reminder of Chapter 2, I’ll just do what is suggested on the IGN walkthrough, and just push through. I think @Scotch_Lufkin hit the nail on the head. I don’t mind the missions at all, it is just having to do them a second time is pain. The one nice thing about riding around for an hour or so, is I did get a sense how huge and detailed the world is. I’m excited to explore it. I’ve also now spent more time in my life riding virtual horses, than real ones.

I’m out of town for a week, so I’m going to have to set the game aside.

So the only thing holding me back from buying this on PC is the reported performance problems. But now, right here in this thread, a few people have chimed in with no problems.

It seems like a crap shoot then. What would you folks say? Do I have maybe a 50/50 chance of getting it running fine with no issues, or less than that?

For the record, my (i7 6700, 16 gb ram, 1070 FE) desktop Alienware has never had any issue in getting any game to run. That’s right; maybe 150 games installed and played over the years, and every one of them has run fine. Given that history, if you were me, would you roll the dice one more time?

Yes, pardner I do believe I would.

Even if there are issues, presumably the patch monkeys are hard at work.

I made a point of not upgrading to the latest driver and stuck with WHQL driver. So far it is stable on directx12 and vulkan. Directx 12 performs better on my RX480 though.

Likely far more people are playing than those who aren’t due to technical issues. Works great here, and also for my mate who bought it. I’d rate you at 80%!

I believe the issues are more of stability than performance. Don’t jack it up to ultra and it will run fine.

I have a 6700k too, runs great, in a VM at that using only 6 of the 8 cores. 2080 though, so I do in fact jack most things up to Ultra.

So finally got around to starting this up today (I was out of town all last week, and then needed to finish up ‘Outer Worlds’. Plus, I played this when it first game out for the Xbox). Anyway, I always start new games up to the main menu, then quit so I can let GeForce Experience optimize the settings. During this process, I realize that the desktop icon doesn’t work. Like at all. Is there anyway to fix this? Do I have to start the launcher and run from there? Because that’s a bit of a PITA. Big fail to Rockstar if this is the case.

Do you mean windows defender, turn that off? I do not have any AV installed other than what comes with windows.

Seems like it. No matter what you do, you have to go through the stupid Rockstar Social Club crappola I guess.