Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

I thought this article in Vox was interesting in light of the characters in RDR2. The article is a bit graceless, as Vox articles tend to be, but this is an interesting point:

The image of the white cowboy reproduces and romanticizes the mythic iconography of settler colonialism and white supremacy. After all, we know that most cowboys weren’t heroic and that a very large number of them were Latino or black. We know that the land that the cowboy worked had been stolen from Native Americans. The myth was created to obscure all of that.

I really like Charlie as a character, kind of wish he’d been the main character instead of Arthur. His struggle to work out his identity feels authentic. It seems like Rockstar has made a significant effort toward authenticity in how it’s portraying people.

There actually is a whole thread for this, if that’s what floats your boat.