Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

Finally 100% Story.

Highlights for me are mostly in Chapter 6, where it cashes every cheque it made previously. My goodness what a paid off.

That calvary charge to attack the oil refinery is like sometime out of a western, and my goodness that is orgasmic.

The scene with Arthur and the sister talking in the train station is so on the nose, but it works for me, because of the previous 100+ hours. No it was just sand in my eyes.

Endgame roaming IMO is just unjustifiable story wise. So Marston’s farm is right next to Skinner territory. Hell Uncle was kidnapped once from the farm already by them. It would be pretty irresponsible for Marston to leave his farm for days or weeks to hunt a legendary animal or go fishing.

Arthur in the end became an anti-hero, but my favourite must be Sadie Adler. Because she evolved from a survivor to a badass. I loathe to use the F word but she is the other kind of feminist, compared to suffragettes in Rhodes. Surely it is not a coincidence that she sports the same braid as Kassandra, another badass.