Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

So fast travel seems like a pretty big waste of money. I can only fast travel from the camp, apparently? And the only other upgrade I can see at my tent is some respawning hair pomade? Bah.

Maybe a victim of the black widow you bring in as a bounty?

You can fast travel between the stagecoach stations as well, but not back to camp.

I had not thought about that, I forgot what her name was. But it would make sense.

No, its handled great really. They want you to see the world, but at times you sorta need to zip across the map, and its an option.

As mentioned you can also use the stage coach and the train once you are out in the world. :)

I actually came across this scenario in the reverse order ages ago and at the time thought the cliff guy was part of a subtle tutorial bit teaching me to keep an eye on my surroundings. I didn’t come across the cabin with the note on the door until just yesterday so thanks for reminding me of the wrecked wagon guy and tying things up nicely, if rather sadly, for me.

This is true. Can you at least skip the cutscenes when fast traveling? As an experiment I used fast travel from the camp to Valentine and it took almost as long as just riding there, sheesh .

That’s actually a loading screen.

Ah, I guess that makes sense.

One little touch I appreciate is how the game often misleads you about the nature of a mission. An icon will pop up with one person’s name, and when you trigger it, you’ll start a conversation with that person, only to be interrupted by someone else and go off to do something totally different.

Aw, man, I thought you were talking about an in-game shop having a Black Friday sale. I was all ready to get Arthur a spiffy new outfit for cheap.

Legendary animals:

I killed the legendary Buck. Cool. Then I went to find and kill the Legendary Bison up close to where I got my White Arabian.

First I got the “too much activity to track message.” Left, came back, same message, left, came back, same message. I learned with the Leg Buck best way to fix that is to just save and reboot the PS4 and restart. Works every time, Did this time for the Bison,

Saved outside the area, went in the area, found the Bison (though it was challenging.) Shot it, he’s huge! Maybe even Legendary! Of course, even with a head shot from the Rolling Rock using Express ammo, he runs off, I find him, take another shot. He runs into the lake. Argh. Can’t tell if he’s dead or swimming, but then he disappears. Looking at the map, there’s an X across the symbol, I assume he’s dead. Look more, it appears he just sank. I know people say you can lasso him and pull him out of the water, but he’s nowhere to be found.

Reload my save, Find him again (still hard, even the second time) - this time I try to sneak between him and the lake. Get pretty close, head shot. He runs towards the lake again. Get another head shot, he still runs into the lake. And once again he disappears.

OK, I’ve read you get credit for the skin even if you don’t skin the legendary animal. I head to the trapper. I’ve already got reinforced gun holsters, gun belt, and bandolier. I look for what you can make with the Legendary Bison and it shows me lacking that skin, Crap,

BUT … I start looking again, and it appears the only thing I get for those legendary animals at this point are clothes? A saddle? All things that have no beneficial effects reported for them so all I’m killing the legendary animals for now is weird hats and chaps and saddles? Hardly seems worth the effort.

The trinkets you get for their parts at the Fence are much more valuable. But playing dress-up is part of the fun of the game, so the outfits are cool too.

Oh forgot about those! Sigh, guess it’s reload and trudge back up north for the Bison again…

Some of those trinkets the fence can make require other items along with the appropriate legendary bits. For example, one of the trinkets I had made also required an additional item that I received as a reward for the partial completion of a side quest. But it appears some of the items required are just everyday things one might acquire through various means, like a silver earring, etc.

Oh wow Chapter V a tropical island shipwreck? I love these unexpected changes in scenery, like in Mafia 2 going to prison and getting out in the fifties, or this.

I actually really enjoyed this detour, but not everyone did.

From a story perspective, I just found it all a little… pointless? The surprise was neat, but aside from that, they don’t really do much with it. The main characters all squabble about the same things, and the characters unique to Guarma don’t really factor into the story once you leave

You are correct. The trinkets require a mix of things from the legendary animals, things you can get as random “drops” from people, things you get from partially completing side-quests, and rare materials you can find hidden in the world.

When you’re selling valuables you’ve accumulated, it’s wise to check the crafting materials and make sure you didn’t pick up something you should hang on to - I believe there’s three items you can get from random pickups.

The respawning items at your tent come from getting specified items for your companions (ie. pomade for Bill, herbs for Ms. Grimshaw, pipe for Dutch, book for Jack, etc.). They leave you a gift at your tent as a reward, and those “gifts” will respawn after a while.

I’m on my second playthrough trying to do everything, and the area around my bed at camp is completely filled with stuff, haha.

All righty, my lackadaisical ass finally made it to chapter four. That was an appropriately apocalyptic chapter end, yes? Funny that they play with your expectations there, seems like it’s going to turn into a play on Red Harvest/Yojimbo/A Fistful of Dollars but no, things go off the rails quite unexpectedly. Still having just a high time working my way through this one.

Also, finding it oddly difficulty to track down a moose for its antlers. I ended up back near where the game started which led me to a legendary creature and from there to a really nice horse. Strange turn of events.