Red Letter Media (Plinkett Reviews)

I noticed that too about Mike, awfully quiet and subdued. Maybe he was too drunk or simply wanted to let the guest shine. There were also a number of weird cuts. Patton had his good moments but I don’t know if he was a seamless fit.

I did really like when Patton recognized that country-western bar. I am always hoping I’ll see something familiar in a movie.

I’ve only watched the opening minutes thus far, but let’s just say the reveal of the third movie makes this an INSTANT CLASSIC

Well, not as entertaining as I hoped, but you can’t go wrong with a little Neil Breen.

The beginning when they’re talking about the Terminator movie plots kills me.

I love that Macaulay is basically a de facto member of RLM at this point.
He was recently on their Christmas episode, did this and also had them on his Podcast (Bunny Ears on Youtube).

Best comment on the video:

I wonder if when Rich Evans saw Home Alone as a child, he thought to himself “in 30 years, I’ll be spooning that kid”

I had a couple LOL moments at the BOTW Christmas episode but I guess the movies were preselected instead of the usual pretense of random picks. I wish I had heard about “Garbage Day” before. They’d also better change the format before Mike turns full blown anarchist.

Only Wheel is random. Well and the black tape thing, I guess now.

Generally speaking those tend to be less interesting because you can just get utterly, well, random shit.
Of course you can also get Surviving Edged Weapons. So worth the risk really.

To continue the RLM meme, does this mean Mac is replacing Jack?
(Jack is actually working for like Escapist or something now, so… it might actually be mostly true)

I’d seen it someplace, but had no frame of reference. Having it actually kind of makes it funnier because it’s so utterly out of the blue.

After they all gave him shit he’s either going to retire this line or adopt it forever. Either is possible imo.

And Plinketto.

They’re still far too kind with the Disney trilogy. While the prequels are still garbage, I honestly think you can make the case that the Disney movies are worse. As wooden as the prequels were, at least they had a potentially interesting story to tell. Plus the third movie at least had an interesting hook (people finally getting to see the stupid Jedi slaughtered).

The Disney movies are just an exercise in corporate brand extension, checking off those focus group boxes, cobbling together plots picked at random from the Star Wars section of No coherent, focused story to tell. Nothing interesting to look forward to going into the final movie. Relentless unfunny stabs at Joss Whedon/Marvel humor. The only point in their favor is better cinematography.

That tends to happen when you pick writers out of a hat and just tell them to write whatever with apparently no real oversight or structure.

Which I think is what they’re giving the edge to the newer ones on. That and lack of boredom. They really didn’t like the Prequels seemingly endless scenes of nothing happening.

I actually prefer the boredom of the prequels to the relentless noise and cringe humor of the new ones.

At least I could fall asleep to the prequels.

(I would not rewatch either)

The most baffling thing is that they had DOZENS of Star Wars movies over the decades to draw from, and they went with "an Empire clone of unexplained origin fights a Rebellion clone of unexplained origin and blows up Coruscant in the first hour, off camera and without preamble, while too many heroes all act out amateur improv Laurel & Hardy routines.

How sad is it that every single Star Wars video game of the past 20 years has had a better story than every single Star Wars movie of the past 20 years.

Episode 7 is a reboot of Episode 4. If Episodes 1-9 are supposed to be a single saga, that’s just incredibly stupid and creatively bankrupt.

Well, they didn’t “go” with it initially, that’s where they went after the train was already off the rails and careening down the canyon walls. It still boggles my mind that they didn’t have any sort of overall storyline. Not even an outline apparently.

They just tossed JJ’s script to Johnson and let him do literally anything with it, then hated the results and tossed it back to JJ. Multi-billion dollar franchise btw!

Most games don’t change writers between acts, so they’re going to have better stories if only because they probably have the same people writing the beginning, middle and end instead of whatever random Mad Libs method Disney decided to use.

That’s pretty much the signature move for Abrams and Bad Robot. Write a bunch of pointless spectacle, emotional soap opera, or mystery box shit up front, worry about making any of work after you’re already months or years into production.

Lost, Fringe, Star Trek Discovery, Star Wars, and so on.

I think it’s time that America admitted that they were duped by Lost and that Abrams always sucked. He’s reverse M. Night Shyamalan. Instead of making the viewer sit through boring filler in order to get to an end twist, he front loads with mystery box bullshit up front to keep you hooked from the start through boring filler.

What’s never mentioned much is that Bad Robot alumni were responsible for the Transformers movies. The same people wrote the Star Trek reboot, and did anyone ever notice it was just a reskin of Transformers? Open with the captain of an exploration ship who stumbles across a danger. Cut to the future where a troubled youth descendant hopes that a sweet new ride will impress a girl. 2 individuals of a far off race come into his life, one good and one evil, in possession of an artifact that can either save or destroy the planet. Proceed to run around shouting “No no no no nononono!” until they decide to blow up the artifact in order to take out the villain with it.

You’re not wrong. Which is maybe why they had the plan to change writers. JJ teases up a bunch of stuff, eases people back into the franchise and then someone with better writing chops builds off it. Only… they picked a Chaotic Neutral guy who didn’t like the franchise in the first place.