
Lol at the contents of the memo.

I started reading the memo and as soon as I read page 4 item 1 I knew it was a blatant partisan effort. If it was being factual and accurate it would talk about dossier as being also part of opposition research requested by the Free Beacon a conservative website. Excluding that information shows its trying to create a specific narrative rather than be factual, thus making the rest of the assertions questionable.

I mean, that was a given as soon as the russian troll armies started pushing the hashtag.

The memo is garbage, but that won’t stop Trump supporters from quoting from it and citing it as evidence of widespread FBI corruption.

The memo literally contains nothing bad, and is obviously misleading by suggesting that the Carter page fisa warrant was based on the Russian dossier, which we know isn’t true.

The only thing to come off this is that it makes Nunes and the GOP look even more idiotic.

And yet it will dominate hours of breathless cable news speculation for days.

I do wish I had Fox News tonight so I could watch their prime time shows to see how they cover this.

Well, let’s see if Fox is calling it a nothingburger…


A memo that shows alleged government surveillance abuse has been released and includes testimony from a high-ranking government official who says without the infamous Trump dossier, the FBI and DOJ would not have secured surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.

The problem with all this is that if Steele’s information is all correct, it doesn’t really matter to anyone with a brain who it was that paid for the research.

What a waste of time this memo is.

To top it off, they will play this against Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed by Trump and who, until being the latest fall guy, was a lifelong Republican.

Since they can’t keep throwing Hillary under the bus, they’ve turned on themselves.

It’s a conspiracy theory on top of a conspiracy theory on top of a conspiracy theory.

This isn’t even a good conspiracy theory.

And Fox website has already upgraded their headline to:

Bombshell doc says blabbing British spy’s dossier paid for by Clinton, key to Trump snooping warrant

I agree completely. God Emperor Penblade would not approve.

I will say one positive: the mainstream media has done a decent job on this. Instead of falling into the scam that this is a “House Intel Committee” memo I just checked both CBS and ABC news and they are reporting this as “controversial GOP memo” (CBS) and “GOP memo” (ABC). I’m sure some outlets have fallen for the scam, but most appear to be identifying this document as the partisan screed that it is.

Not really sure I see your point, since we know the house intel committee investigation is partisan as hell, and has been from the start.

We’re not the ones that need convincing. Remember, we’re a hyper-partisan echo chamber.

Yes, but anyone that needs convincing at this point won’t be…by anything.

The issue is the more weakly aligned voters not following this very closely. Those are the votes that are “up for grabs” and how stuff plays with them is important.
