
How’d I get dragged into this?
I haven’t voted Rep. since '92.

He’s not doing it for ideological reasons, you bullies. He just wants to win! Can’t you let the kid just WIN for once?

Jonathan Blow has been paying more attention than you.

Where is the proof that different species of dinosaurs have evolved into different species of mammals? So far as I can tell, they have only determined that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs.

Actually it was '88…this thing won’t let me edit.

He’s better looking than me, too, but what does that prove? And if he’s been paying more attention than I have, then I feel sorry for him, as I waste way too much fucking time on keeping up with politics as it is.

Where is the proof that different species of dinosaurs have evolved into different species of mammals?

Hint: they didn’t.

Edit: Drewl: Yeah, 88 was my last republican vote too, although my vote for Perot in '92 could technically be considered a Republican vote, in a parallel universe where Republicans didn’t become the political arm of the Judeo-Christian front.

Edit again: Haha, I can edit.

back-peddle back-peddle back-peddle back-peddle

Then I’m afraid I don’t get your reference.

Because Dirt has nothing else in common with those Republicans. Nope, nothing at all.

That doesn’t align me with the Republicans. The thing that aligns me with Republicans is I think that, though gays should have all the same rights under law, they can’t call their union “marriage”.

I’m sure you don’t.

Ah, stupidity and homophobia - the ties that bind.

Is that my problem or yours?

Hey, I said you had nothing in common with them =(

Why the hate? Walla wazza gooboo?

No hate. I just think it needs to be categorized the same way we categorize “he” and “she” and “her” and “him”.

Because you feel that the love between a homosexual couple is fundamentally different than the love between an infertile hetero couple? Care to elaborate? Because if it’s not different, then I’m not sure why you’d want to call it something else.

I mean, at least the canonical anti-gay position (“Allowing immoral gay love to be called marriage taints the institution of marriage itself”) makes a kind of dim sense, in the same way that “Kunikos posting about parallel dinosaur evolution makes Dirt’s post seem even stupider by association”. But that doesn’t seem to be what you’re saying.

Because there’s a difference in terms of genitals and the numbers thereof.

Edit: I’m assuming you’re male. Do people call you ma’am, miss, mrs. or ms?

Last I heard, nobody checks what a couple has under their pants before they get married.

Nobody checks your genitals before determining whether to call you Mr or Ms.

First off, I’m going to call bullshit on your “I merely want to call heterosexual relationships by a different name for cladistic reasons!” argument. There’s a hidden implication that if you call a homosexual relationship by a different name, it’s because it’s fundamentally different from a hetero one, and there’s no evidence for that. Why create a dichotomy based on number/type of genitalia? Why not divide by race? Religion? Hair color?

Ah, so they call you Mr/Ms based on either outward appearance, or based on what you tell them to call you.

So are you saying that gay marriage can be called marriage if it looks like hetero marriage on the outside? Or are you saying that you should call gay marriage “marriage” if the couple asks you to call it marriage?

Or are you just pulling half-baked arguments out of your ass? Because that’s what it seems like here.

What’s fundametally different is that it’s a union between 2 people of the same gender versus one of different genders. It’s no different than the classification of the same human beings as “male” or “female” except that it would be easier and appropriate to identify; it doesn’t imply that one is superior to the other.

Edit: If we were an asexual species then the same identification would make sense.

Please explain why we need a special word for this, while we don’t need a special word for an interracial marriage? What makes gender a defining characteristic in your mind in a way that race is not?

Now, at least if you were making the argument that we should have a different term for a relationship with children and without children, I’d agree with you - there’s at least a practical difference there.

This isn’t about race. It’s about gender. Being different colors doesn’t make one fundamentally different than someone of a different color. However, being of a different gender does make one fundamentally different than the “opposite” gender.