Review: Force Unleashed

I did enjoy the game quite a bit right up until that Star Destroyer thing mentioned in Tom’s review. All canon bitching aside, it’s still a horrible travesty of a boss battle.

You don’t want to know how much Lucasarts ultimately spent on Force Unleashed. Seriously.

How much they spent on the game or the whole merchandising tie-in hullabaloo?

That was my big warning for this. I remember the last big game/book/soundtrack/toy tie-in effort from these jokers. Prince Xizor can bite me.

I still can’t believe I read that stupid book.

a bar set lower than an Ugnaught’s groin.


Hell yes I do. Spill it man, and let The Schadenfreude flow!

I was 90% certain this game would suck from the moment I saw The Apprentice holding his sword backwards like some too-cool wanna-be kung fu masta. It was quickly clear these guys’ interpretation of “cool” wasn’t anything like mine: “But no! You just don’t understand – yanking down Star Destroyers is so cool! Sure, we could have made an (actually cool) game in line with the setting, but this just isn’t that sort of game, so get over it! This all about The Force UNLEASHED, man – free from any fetters!”

Yah, free from the fetters of internal consistency, good taste, and opponent targeting. :-/

Why am I so bitter about this? I have no idea. Probably I’m just pining for something as good as Tie Figther or Jedi Knight, or maybe it’s because Force UNLEASHED! was so pretentious. Hopefully I’ll feel better once KotOR 2 is actually finished.

I am about to make your day!

Well, except that’s never been actually finished.

I’m still waiting for the “Sith Lords Restoration Project” to finally wrap up development.

KOTOR 2 shipped years ago, but it was clearly never finished.

I assume Jasper was talking about the fan restoration project or something and not typoing KOTOR 3.

One of our writers has stepped forward and asked to write a dissenting opinion to Tom’s review. We should have it up in the couple days.

Oh! Let me guess: $35 million. Am I close?

I know its fan made, it’s on their time, they don’t have to do it, and the whole nine-but I wish I knew what was taking so long. It has been so close for so long, and I have been eager to replay this game with the missing content.

It’s going to sell a million across all platforms easy. Does it really matter?

I bet it matters. If, for example, the budget was as high as the $35 million Rob suggested they would need to sell more than a million copies to break even.

I’d be surprised if the budget was so high, but after Linoleum’s statement, I’m intensely curious.

I have no idea, but they’ve sure been stuck at 1.0b10 for a long time – there’s been no progress reported for nearly a year. I’d be inclined to think it’s just dead, except that I know I’ve been working on my own project for that long without updating my site.

I’d be happy with the never ending “beta” copy they have now, which is almost certainly better than Obsidian’s version. Hmmm, maybe they’re taking more beta applicants?

“Back of tricks”? You guys have editors, right?

  • Alan

Considering how long it’s been in development and all the tech they had to implement, plus the fact that it’s LA’s first next-gen game, that could very well be the budget if you factor in the cost of getting up to speed with development on the new systems. Granted that cost can be spread out among all the games they make subsequently, but they still had to spend it intially to get TFU out the door.

Still, I think it will sell very well and most likely be a financial success for them. Star Wars games sell, and one that looks that good and makes a good first impression should sell even better than they usually do.

Spot on review. So far still on my first play through of it and barring the gimmicky boss battles my greatest enemy is that auto lock functionality, or lack there of. Also it is possible to glitch a boss out of the level, or maybe they just got locked in a corner the camera felt I had no business seeing, and continue to juggle you around the rest of the area.

Dusty’s post just reminded me of the first time I fought the penultimate boss. He Force pushed me into a corner where the game just couldn’t seem to get the apprentice’s “get the hell up” animation to trigger correctly, and he just sort of flopped there while the boss walked up and ground-stabbed him for about a minute until he died.

This seems too convenient to be coincidental:
