RIM: We have no fucking clue

That makes sense.

Open Letter: Please don’t leave us for another MDM product

I read your post. I thing your post very well for every people and I have a small website.
It’s on Bozzauto-removal service. If you like it, Please go to this site around once.


(I’ve always wanted to do that)

Truer words were never spoken.

Did you report though?

Car removal in Perth? That seems like an oddly specific thing to spam to random sites on the internet.

Two posts up from that was a post from me, with Perth Australia in the location. Wonder if some clever bot is parsing forum text before auto registering and posting?

What’s even odder, is that I actually need to sell my car, so in a sense, it needs removal. How freaky is that!?

RIM turned down Bieber

Maybe that was a good decision. I don’t think the Blackberry would have ever been a thing for the younger crowd even if Bieber made a song about it.

RIM posts a staggering $4.4 billion dollar loss - nice! :P

They also agree a 5 year deal with Foxconn in order to build a new handset for developing markets.
They should probably use some of their remaining liquidity to invest in their own official land fills ;)

Thor still got a nice golden parachute.

Are they still going to make those $1000+ Porsche Design phones?

BGR vs BB CEO’s open letter

BB finally fired their “Creative Director”

She did nothing for them though. No promotion or placement of their product, no Alicia-Keys-inspired/“designed” shit. Nothing. Way to fail, BB.

BB’s Google+ page is a constant source of hillarity whenever they post, because it ends up being everyone who follows them making fun of blackberry, plus a handful of obviously paid shills trying to pretend like blackberry is relevant to their lives.

How the Keep Moving project stopped

How many of these celebrity engagements have resulted in something of substance rather than what appears to be a glorified endorsement deal?

All I know is that Ron Howard and Jamie Foxx really must love the pictures Canon cameras take!

RIM sues Ryan Seacrest.