RIP Gilbert Gottfried

What if the aristocracy in the Landsraad sought solace in the Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear? It might sound a little something like this. RIP

Thanks to Gilbert, who probably got a The Aristocrats documentary going single-handledly when his 9/11 joke bombed. That documentary was probably the hardest I’d ever laughed in a theater.

That’s wonderful.

Can’t believe he and Norm are gone, two of my favorites with two totally different styles: understated and over the top.

A man ahead of his time.

This is sort of beside the point, but that picture is not remotely from three months ago. Both Gottfried and Anderson battled long illnesses before passing away and, sadly, neither was in that kind of shape 3 months ago.

Got 20 minutes?

I think Gilbert has the distinction of being the first celebrity to get canceled on Twitter. He lost his Aflac gig for making a joke about the tsunami too soon.

Rip Gilbert.

Probably one of the best uses of Mr. Gottfried’s voice. An official ad for Microsoft XP with him as Clippy.

A friend just sent this to me:

Oh my gosh, I was cry-laughing at my desk.