RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Yup. That is curtains unless 4 GOP Senators find a conscience

Would be nice if I had the slightest bit of faith that many existed.

Man the barricades. Arm your families. It’s time to fuck your feelings.

Filibuster has already been abolished for all court appointments. Turtle out front should have told you.

Why would packing the court help? Is the theory that whichever party has the Senate and Presidency then gets the court during that time too? Wouldn’t the urban/rural divide that favors the Republicans long term in the Senate mean that this would help the Republicans more in the long term than Democrats?

Yeah, if you’re wondering what senate Democrats can do to prevent the confirmation of a replacement on the SCOTUS bench for RBG, there are two things they can do:

  1. Nothing
  2. Next to nothing

I was shocked when I read the news. Seriously shocked. Not only for the political reasons, but also because she was a fine justice. RIP.

Maybe Romney, anyone else?

Would need some senator who’s deathly afraid of losing his seat to step up. Not sure I see where that principled person would come from.

Romney has also apparently said he won’t vote to confirm anyone until after election day.

So we have our three “principled Republican” slots filled. Aside from a moment like McCain doing the thumbs down, we’re getting a new asshole soon enough.

Not that it will make a difference. But I’m disliking Romney less these days.

Geeze. What a load of shit.

Well yeah.

But no one should’ve expected anything different.

I guess the hope is that Trump decides it is better for his re-election chances to pick a completely batshit crazy justice, and he loses some Republicans who are scared for their seats in 2020 and 2022. If he were to pick someone to the left of Gorsuch, I would think it a near certainty that he or she would get confirmed.

And this is why I consider anyone who’s voted for a republican senate candidate in the last sixty years to be my enemy.

Mitch says: “You humans, with your ethics, as you call them, are so peculiar.”

In the last 3+ years, my feelings have kinda learned to like it rough. Let’s go. Time to get (even more) serious.

Yes, I’m drinking. Fuck it.

Thanks for a chuckle, Gordon. Few and far between these days.