Rise of Legends GOLD

I tried the reboot thing, same problem however.

Can’t install for the same reason I couldn’t install the first demo: It wants more space on drive C even though I’m installing to drive D.

Played the new demo and it rocks! Reynolds has done it again! It’s like a cross between Starcraft, Warcraft 3 and Rise of Nations in a good way.

Ditto. Perhaps the filefront copy is bad. I’ll try downloading it direct from Microsoft.

Mmm… 550 KB/sec speedy goodness.

I downloaded it from Fileplanet and got an error when installing. Then downloaded from MS and got an ‘error reading setup initialization’ error. So sod it! I shall place my attention elsewhere. :p

The Microsoft download worked for me, and the game appears to run fine. But wasn’t there a way to zoom out farther than the game allows by default? I found the extended camera controls or whatever they’re called but they don’t seem to change the zoom range.

Hmmm, kind of confusing so far. Went campaign, clicked to do what I thought was an attack on the neighboring province, but then I’m put into defense mode of the city there?

Then did a skirmish and, while I didn’t understand all of what was going on, I did see enough there that made me interested in the getting the game and a manual that goes with it. :)

Fileplanet download worked after all that fuss with Filefront.
Currently very confuzzled by all the elements of the game. Lots of units, and they all seem to counter light infantry :-S

Is the performance any better than the first demo?

Umm yeh, so anyone gonna tell us what’s new from the old demo?

I believe the differences from the first demo are bug fixes, performance enhancements, a new map and LAN only multi-player that has to be enabled with a hack that will be posted on fan sites.

And I think they improved the AI.

No hack, just use Hamachi. I’ve been playing GRAW demo multiplayer for a few days ;). Thanks for telling me though, I have no interest in just one new map, so I’ll wait until the full game.

But sure does look better with the new textures and performance improvements.

Wasn’t the texture quality actually lowered?

The multiplayer button is greyed out, it must be enabled somehow. Hack was probably a harsh term, I believe that BHG intended multiplayer to be accessed by going to the fan sites and getting instructions on how to enable it.

I don’t know about that. The performance improvements might have provided enough of a boost for me to get better textures.


Now for the secret unlocking method-

To enable Multiplayer LAN, simply add MPDemo=1 to your personal.ini file in a text editor such as notepad, and save it.

You can find the Rise of Legends personal.ini file usually in My Documents\My Games\Rise of Legends. Enjoy!

So I installed the demo fine, but when I get the splash screen for Rise of Legends, it crashes to desktop. Woo hoo!

Erik J.

Filefront gave me a .cab error, and MS gives me a setup initialization error. I suspect there’s some crud or something from the OLD demo leftover that’s screwing it up. I’ve now downloaded the 700 mb demo 4 times…