Rob Zombie's The Munsters

The writing really is the biggest problem. It goes beyond just being unfunny or hammy. Some of the choices are really just bizarre.

Here’s a line from early in the film, in which Grampa answers the important question: “How hard are his boners?”

When you get to be 300 years old, everything goes… and I do mean EVERYTHING. Where’s Lily?

There’s the obvious problem here, which is the joke isn’t funny. But then there’s the secondary problem, which is that it’s deeply uncomfortable to hear an elderly man wearing lipstick and a cape segue from talking about his limp noodle erections to wishing his own scantly-clad daughter was there.

Unless you’re Trump (wish I wasn’t kidding)

That was the first thought I had as well. However, even though I haven’t seen the movie, based on what I’m hearing I feel it’s safe to assume the joke was not based on he who shall not be named, as that would probably be giving the writers too much credit.

If it’s not intended to be a comedy then it’s not really The Munsters right? It’s just the Dark Universe thing again.

How can a family of monsters not be a comedy?

Can’t wait for the dark and gritty Saturday the 14th reboot.

As a kid, that was the moment when I realized movies could be bad.

Umni Consumer Products?

Oh man, I can’t remember what movie sort of put me on the “wow all movies aren’t magic and some of them may in fact suck” camp. Possibly Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jarden Syn (but like it took me weeks to get there).

The Treasure of the Four Crowns. I mean . . . it’s just it. It is entirely a movie, that’s for sure.