"Robin -- What have I done to you?"

I don’t know why but the one thing I remember the clearest from SW is the horrific beating She-Hulk took from the Wrecking Crew.

Brett Todd swooping in to repeat why he hates Marvel and how Bendis drags out panels is now an integral part of every comic book thread here. Tell me Brett, did you like it when the Hulk didn’t appear in his own comic for several issues? ;-)

That said, given that I haven’t bought a Marvel or DC comic in about 15 years means I agree with him - only I got there sooner and more cheaply. As far as Secret Wars goes… My favorite peice of comic artwork is still the cover of Secret Wars #1. That was probably the first comic I ever bought btw. Captain America looks so cool.

He does have a point, though. I don’t buy any Ultimate line comic (except The Ultimates itself) by single issue. I had to slap the comic store geek the other day about it, too. “B-but Ultimate FF has Ellis writing the new arc!” Ah, cram it. What isn’t Ellis writing these days?

Yeah, that’s part of my point. Neat Zeck covers, shit Zeck interior art. I was around 12 or 13 when it came out. My pal, a veritable comic philistine in comparison to MEEEEE (come on, all he bought was GI Joe, Star Wars, and The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones) bought Secret Wars #1 and lorded it over me (or, really, told me about it and let me read it). But he was telling me about it, and I was all “Well, I never heard of such a thing. Piffle!” Secret Wars indeed.

He does have a point, though. I don’t buy any Ultimate line comic (except The Ultimates itself) by single issue. I had to slap the comic store geek the other day about it, too. “B-but Ultimate FF has Ellis writing the new arc!” Ah, cram it. What isn’t Ellis writing these days?[/quote]

Sure, he had the same point in the other 10 threads where he said it too. ;-) From Marvel, I’ve been buying Masterworks editions, I’m not interested in the soap operas and new stuff any more. Other than that I buy Astro City and pine for new Sin City or Hellboy.

Heh. Zeck was very good during an early post John Byrne run on Captain America. There was a great issue with him drawing Vermin - the rat version of the Lizard. Very cool. My favorite comic art of the this period was Siekiewicz on Moon Knight, the one with the satanic cult and Werewolf by Night.

Meister! More DC comics innuendo before this derailment becomes permanent!

Robin at least seems to have his priorities straight:

… or does he?

Now, if only Dick Grayson had spent more time with he-man books like this:


Is it me, or does she look a hell of a lot like Aria Giovanni here?

Maybe I’m the only one who didn’t know who that was, but just a heads up that a GIS for her is NSFW.


How can you not love that about DC’s writers? Bruce is often more obsessed with Jadon Todd’s death than his own parents. The 2nd Robin was a foolhardy moron who never quite took things seriously enough and got himself killed, yet the writers expect Batman to carry a torch for him decades later.

Meanwhile, Tim Drake’s girlfriend and father get killed and no doubt they’ll quickly forget to mention either every issue like Bruce does Jason.

Personally, I’m far more interested in the Batgirl/Robin teamup in Bludhaven than I am yet more livejournal angst filled Batman stories.


If only Robin would sit down and let Spider-Man explain everything to him:

Wow. When was that published (or wasn’t it?).

Maybe I’ve been living in this culture for too long, but I’d imagine that sort of thing would have parents up in arms.

“Pregnancy can occur the first time you have sex, even if it’s only for a few minutes.”


I haven’t read a comic book in that form for about 8 years. I can only stand reading tpb’s because the comic book seems so expensive, and getting 10 minutes of story once a month sucks.

And I’ll continue to preach until people stop praising Bendis so much. Dammit.

But whenever anyone lauds the guy now, I probably should just reply with those two magic words guaranteed to shut up any Bendis fan–“Avengers Disassembled.” Even Bendis’ mom must have hated that steaming pile.

But you’re the guy who, as recently as 2 years ago, was urging me to buy everything Bendis wrote. Seriously, you tried your darndest to make me a convert. I resisted (mainly because I don’t consider rewriting someone’s origin story a feat - and I really didn’t like what you were describing about the new Green Goblin). Then you flipped on the subject and started railing against it.

Anyway, that’s why I’ve been keeping track of your posts on the subject.

What? I’ve never been a fan of Bendis. I thought Ultimate Spidey was fairly good at first, mainly because it was pure genius compared with the dreck in Amazing and Spectacular, but I was never a fan. And I have always despised the new take on the Green Goblin. He’s the Hulk with pointy ears in USM. I did really like Ultimate X-Men for the first 30 issues or so, though. It’s gone to hell since then.

Are you thinking about Desslock? He was more into the Ultimate stuff.

Just to emphasize the above, I did a search on my posts and can find nothing like you’re talking about Andrew. You may be tracking somebody’s posts on Bendis, but they ain’t mine. I’ve never urged anyone to buy anything that Bendis has written, let alone everything that he’s written.

Here’s what I said about the Ultimate books/Bendis in early 2003, btw:

“Ultimate Spidey, Ultimate X-Men, and The Ultimates are all over the place. At times, you get an old-school Marvel vibe, at others the stories seem derivative and annoying. You’ve got Hollywood name-dropping and blatant movie ripoffs in The Ultimates. One issue was essentially a fight scene from The Matrix. Ultimate Spidey is sort of compelling, but Brian Michael Bendis scripts each issue so virtually nothing happens. The new one, for instance, features something like three pages of Peter and MJ passing notes to one another in class. I read the issue in about two minutes. Ultimate X-Men has been the best of the titles thus far, for me, though the emphasis on character development seems to mean making everybody dislikable.”

I could be, but I do remember at E3 (2001) you telling me I should read Ultimate Spider-Man and thinking: “That sounds awful.” Ken Levine also recommended it at the show. I didn’t see Desslock there.

Seriously, that wasn’t me. I’ve always wondered what the deal is with Bendis being so popular. So much so that I grabbed Jinx and Fire cheap off eBay, even while hating his USM, just to see if he’d done any good stuff outside of Marvel. Nope. Jinx is the same sort of dialogue-heavy, nothing-happening dullsville stuff as in USM.